Yify-Torrent Gladiator Movie Watch
Writer=David Franzoni.
release Year=2000.
Rating=1239151 Votes.
Ridley Scott.
Casts=Oliver Reed
And now in the new year, 2020, in januar 1 early morning, after a very strong silvester party, i sainted the moment with my tears 😢😢😭😭 And Now i free from any demon of the last decade. Finally. Thank you 😭😭😭😭 And happy new year for everyone ❤️❤️❤️. You're spending wayyy too much time on each character. Short of material. Gladiator movie. If this song doesnt give you chills theres something wrong with you... Masterpiece. Saw Hans in London front row seats which my son had bought for his Mums birthday. Worth every penny, magic all the musicians you can tell love what they do, and together make an amazing sound with Hans direction. Make an amazing peice of music, and then make a great movie around it. Love it.
Indeed this was a true man of all men, his way of bravness, character and decition making, courage and strength, indeed he needs to be honoured. A true epic story,Ridley Scott's Gladiator, is a compelling adventure sitting up there in the class of Braveheart,Ben-Hur and Spartacus.A fight for revenge as well as for freedom of body and soul Gladiator will captivate you from it's intro. Russell Crowe is at his powerfull poignant best holding the screen with such a force you wish he was on every single scene.
Best top movies and actors joaquin Phoenix good acting.
So this is the level one arena.
Phoenix is such an amazing actor, its shocking! I found out about him after Joker (which Im obsessed with) and I didnt realise how much talent he had. Its mesmerising.
Love this movie Crowe and Phoenix scenes absolutely gripping everyone did their part with excellence they did ancient Roma proud.
Shame the soundtrack doesnt have the transition between “Progeny” and “The Wheat”.
This song will last for all ages... Gladiator garage systems. Maximus Russel Crowe I love you❤❤. Screw you Corona - When we have beauty like this in the world it shows our true spirit - We humans will unite and get through this too. Love and Respect to all the front-line responders out there. “Imagine a king that fights his own battles, wouldnt that be a sight.” In your face king. Gladiator film.
No one should dare play another Achilles after that Brad Pitt performance.
“Ill die as I lived. Alone” -Me
I dont cry easily, honest to God, but this track always strikes those cords. Always. I envy Ralfs physical incredible 😱. This is simply the best historical epic film ever made (after Ben-Hur, Spartacus, and BraveHeart) The direction of Ridley Scott is wonderful, along with the stunning cinematography over each scene. The opening scene is a great example of cinematography and direction of Scott can make a real spectacle, as the story itself. When Emperor Marcus Aurelius' son Commodus murders his father, he must also do away with Maximus Decimus Meridius, the finest general. Maximus escapes his execution, but finds his wife and child murdered. Wandering and wounded near death, he is picked up and put into slavery, and selected to fight for sport as a gladiator. From there, he seeks revenge.
“This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.” – Rumi.
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