∈Google Play Movies El hoyo Watch

2020.06.02 17:27

Country Spain
Release year 2019

description A mysterious place, an indescribable prison, a deep hole. An unknown number of levels. Two inmates living on each level. A descending platform containing food for all of them. An inhuman fight for survival, but also an opportunity for solidarity
Casts Zorion Eguileor
Genre Sci-Fi

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Il buco nyc restaurant. Up until now, if someone asked me the worst movie I'd ever watched it was hands down "They Came Together. This movie left that in the dust! This was PAINFUL to watch! Totally bizarre with absolutely NO redeeming qualities! I feel worse for having watched this! Just HORRIBLE. It looks interesting but I don't think that I could stomach it. Il buco nero di fortnite. Interesante análisis. Sobre todo en esos aspectos simbólicos que pasé de largo al verla. Por otro lado, muy forzado eso de la representación del libertario como el que te asesina para salvarse. al igual que lo del capitalista egoísta. Muy alejado de la teoría, como mínimo. La analogía con el socialismo es perfecta, comparto. Saludos y gracias por compartir.

A highly recommended movie. I swear. Il buco alimentari reservations. No lo voy a ver igual despues que dijo: nadie queda igual despues de ver el hoyo de netflix Y a mitad del video -como podran ver,el final del hoyo es demasiado abierto xdxd #lacuarentenameestaafectando. وعامه شكرا جزيلا على مجهودك فى الشرح. مراجعة فيلم mementoللعبقري نولان رجاءا 🤷🏼‍♂️. Il buco. Il buco sorrento restaurant. Il buco spiegazione finale. Il bucovina. -¿Tampoco entendiste el final del hoyo. obvio. Il buco imdb. Those at the bottom. The movie was something I would never expect.
It was shocking, jaw dripping. The story is so intense.
It's marvelous, no doubt. br> Well, until the last couple of minutes.
I was so disappointed that in the end kinda ruin my experience.
But. I don't regret it. Watching a movie that have such a strong message. Something I've never seen before.

Il buco ibiza. Il bacon. Los que caen (Personas cansados del mismo sistema) Personas de buena fe que quieren cambiar sistema gubernamental ayudando a los demás criticados por lo de arriba como comunistas. Il buco spiegazione. Pero recuerda que la señora de el perro, le dije al tipo que la mujer que baja todos los meses, tiene nada más 10 meses en el hoyo.

AHHH. Lo estaba esperando y aquí estaa, el final explicado de esta película 😀 Gracias Obvio💖.

Shoot that hole away. You know. Cuz it's a problem...

Y por que los del último piso no sibían.

Like last year's Us, the Spanish Netflix original El Hoyo (Eng. title The Platform) works marvelously as a sociological metaphor, yet risks failure as it insists on touching on the logistics of how its extranormal universe actually operates (another thing it shares with Us. It invites the viewer to think of this as a feasible dystopian future, doing itself a disservice. Then again, perhaps the fact that certain things about the Pit don't seem sensible is part of the commentary?
But even if we accept the film as a parallel to our society that we aren't mean to overthink in terms of in-universe logistics, there may be issues. More on that in a bit. First, the plot.
In a minimalist science-fiction setting reminiscent of Vincenzo Natali's Cube, a man named Goreng (an excellent Iván Massagué) has volunteered to stay in a new sort of prison he knows little about; a tower that contains a chasm with hundreds of different levels, all surrounding the chasm itself, where a platform containing food is lowered every day. Goreng's cellmate Trimagasi (a deliciously menacing Zorion Eguileor) tells him they get to eat whatever is left behind at the higher levels. If they're lucky, they may be relocated to a higher level at some later date; otherwise, they shall resort to cannibalism on the lowest floors. By several definitions, Goreng is getting a taste of how "those below" are treated.
Goreng discovers other interesting people among the cellmates. A man named Baharat (Emilio Buale Coka) passes Goreng's floor with a rope (each inmate is permitted to bring one possession into the Pit) with the hopes of escaping, and a woman named Miharu (Alexandra Masangkay) rides the platform throughout the chasm in search of her child, attacking anyone who disturbs her.
Trimagasi explains: Miharu is known to also kill her designated cellmate, hoping that she will eventually be assigned her baby upon getting caught again. Would the child be relocated if they already have a cellmate? Is she banking on her child's cellmate also dying at just the right time?
These are the things that puzzle us if we think too hard about The Platform, but the point isn't that its system makes perfect sense (as mentioned, the point" may be quite the contrary. Instead, we are meant to ponder what this dystopian vision has to say about our present.
Of course, Goreng at first figures that there may be enough sustenance for everyone in the Pit if everyone simply takes "what they need" when the platform passes their level, but soon realizes this won't be enough to fix a system that's broken at the core. Do you get it yet?
The obvious joke is that one wishes they had a statist of some sort to help them decide when everything's even (in fairness, Goreng arguably becomes such a figure near Act 3 and begins to appear corrupt in his own right) but this may be dismissive. As mentioned, however, more questions arise when you think too hard about the metaphor. Should we distribute our resources in such a way that convicted murderers are more fairly treated? And are we prone to shuffling said convicts around so that some of them may experience luxurious food for a month or two while the rest starve (or worse) until we press "Shuffle" again? Or are the serial killers merely an exaggeration of "criminals molded by the system. like, say, the Kims from Parasite?
This film is mighty entertaining to watch as it unfolds, even if some of it breaks a little when you overthink it (though not as much as the aforementioned Us, in my opinion. Its character relationships are believable in how they form and how they crumble, the production design is splendidly minimalistic, the gore is fun but not meaningless, and the music, lighting, and camera work do wonders for the tone. For the Covid-19 lockdown, it's almost too good a pick.
It didn't really "make me think" the way a Tarkovsky film might (I checked off Stalker from my watchlist a few days prior to seeing this) although it did make me a bit hungry.

Il buco netflix trama. Why does the thumbnail look like Violet, the girl who's always chewing gum in Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Il buco wine cellar. Il bucy le long.



Il buco nero. Il buck bunny. Jesús no vino a cambiar el sistema. Mat. 10 :34. este mundo es como un barco que se hundirá y eso es inevitable, el vino por 3 razones tenía que ver primero con Dios, otra con el mismo y por último con el hombre. y además Jesús no es parte del sistema, su reino no es parte de este mundo... 😊. Il buco vita. “Where are your grades” In the hole.

Il buco alimentari and vineria. افضل مشهد لما بنت شخت علي راجل الاسود 😂😂. Il buco kale salad. Il buco netflix trailer ita.









