≡Amazon Prime Video≡ The Princess Bride Free

2020.06.02 18:59

  1. directed by=Rob Reiner
  2. audience score=366865 Vote
  3. USA
  4. genres=Romance
  5. cast=Chris Sarandon
  6. 1987

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That's so crazy seeing a little man like Wallace Shawn next to Andre. little 5'2 Wallace standing next to 7'4 500+lb Andre. just insane. Andre the Giant. Forever missed <3 HE was the definition of a Gentle Giant.

Every time it appears on TV I'm hooked if I had a word to describe this movie so good but awkward at times never had me laughing but always had me entranced. Caballero negro epic race 2019. 0:41 As you wish 0:58 As you wish 1:44 As you wish 5:40 AS YOU WISH. Part of the brilliance of this scene is that neither Westley nor Inigo are REALLY trying to kill each other, they're just having fun with the fight. So amazing seeing this reunion again! I have a feeling Cary and Robin had crushes on eachother in that movie, especially after she said she thought he was so cute! lol I was hoping to see Fred Savage for the reunion. He was in everything growing up.

I was named after Westley but spelled Wesley so yeah I love this movie. My childhood first film ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.

@Samiesmiles9 I love that I know who you mean. And yes, just a little bit

I have seen many battles, in animation, books, movies and games, in which the good guy is wounded to death, almost dies, but doesn't and kills the bad guy. We all have. But Inigo Montoya was just extraordinary. R.I.P Andre the Giant. Am I the only one who finds it funny whenever Fezzik smashes Westley against the rocks. I am. undecided... 2:30 That's a maaan, baaabyyy *Austin Powers Voice. It should be illegal to consider a remake of this timeless and unique masterpiece. Just imagine the actor saying that to cancer amazing. XD its aleays cracks me up when shes like oh no i pushed my love off a cliff! I shall follow him as an apology that if we die he'll never know im sorry! But i have to try! cartwheels off the cliff. I identify as Inigo's pose at 0:00. Who in their right mind rates something out of 12.

Following up “Theres a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. Itd be a pity to damage yours” with “I dont think Im quite familiar with that phrase” was genius. Rip my poor baby André. I've seen this movie so many times that I'm about to start saying as you wish to the girl I have a crush on. I find it funny as heck when he was falling down the hill he says as you wish that was funny lol. Rare footage of The Three Stoogess grandfathers.

I love how quick he busted out that “get back witch”

Andre The Giant Confirmed. Love this movie❤❤.