Ameba Ownd


banjitsugo's Ownd

History Movie Watch The Hunt

2020.06.02 20:31

Year=2020. Thriller. 29247 vote. Craig Zobel. stars=Wayne Duvall.




Brilliant, been waiting for this. The preview frames the struggle as presumably “common folks” vs the ELITES which is a theme already existing in movies. Likely it will be able to be interpreted in different ways. Regardless, people on the right should not be getting all twisted up over this movie! I wanna see it.

If memory serves me right (see what i did there. p) the movie was about to air in the time when several mass shootings in the USA just took place - Thus ppl were afraid that it might trigger even more potential shootings. Many Americans consider the current day far leftists as border line mentally unstable and prone to violence against their political adversaries (Antifa for eg. so the fear for this kinda response was quite real. So this was more about stirring real life trouble - so i don't think it was just about curbing the free speech but taking responsibility for possible real life complications - aka it was a bad taste anyway - aka there was a mass politicaly motivated shootings and now we get a movie in the cinemas about enticing ppl to shoot the political oposition. So the movie in itself imho wasnt the issue - but the realities and timing of it was.  Cheers o/ PS this movie seems like a cheap knock of Hard Target movie from 1993...

Bruce: we're getting rowdy over here. Proceeds to get 3-0 OBLITERATED. Although this trailer pretty much showed me the entire movie, Im still going to watch it. This is exactly how i imagined springtrap's voice.


The ending gives me thrills each time I ear it. Looking Up looks cute. Bruh they never should've changed the trailer. the twist was so cool. I really wish you would have someone else film from the map's perspective just so we can see the hunters around you. This movie will forever stuck in head, the whole content of it is so controversial and actually makes people think about a (what seems - not so harmful) kid's lie, such a small thing could ruin a person's life. I need to recommend this movie to everyone lol.

I've seen the movie for the first yesterday and I love this song so much. 2019 still sounds awesome. I didn't know anything about Alita before seeing the movie. After having seen it I went out and bought the Collector's Edition of the books. I freaking loved this movie. Hope they make more. This is so cool! Especially when the funtimes started to join in.



17:42 what is that actress called? she looks so beautiful in this shot. I was going to say “who tells your story” instead of “we decide” lol. Watches the prievious trailer. This movie will be pretty good Watches this trailer. So three different twists were just explained, guess Ill wait for it to be on amazon. I have no idea what the hell I just watched... That's the 4 tails. Nice beat. but Thanos failed. 😂. I love Afton. I just love him so much. 😭. I love your videos I have been watching for three years since the first old man Larry video.
