The Silence of the Lambs Free HD 720P HDTVRIP no login DVD5 Streaming

2020.06.03 06:23

  1. Writers: Thomas Harris
  2. description: Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster), a young intelligent F.B.I. trainee, has been sent to the Baltimore state hospital for the criminally insane to interview an inmate, Dr. Hannibal "the cannibal" Lecter (Sir Anthony Hopkins), a brilliant renowned psychiatrist turned infamous psychopathic serial killer. She must match wits with Lecter, who has the darkest of all minds, and trust him to give her clues in the search for "Buffalo Bill" (Ted Levine), a nickname given to a loose, unknown, unstoppable psychopathic serial killer
  3. Jonathan Demme
  4. liked It: 1162479 vote
  5. 9,3 of 10 stars

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