Star Margot Robbie
Country USA
Directed by Martin Scorsese
Runtime 180 m
1110980 Votes
⦂⦂ ❂✵♲★⟱✱✻✻✻❂
⦂⦂ ٭✪✯♣⎈❂⇑✹♧ω
Sponsored by 1MDB. Volk z wall stretta full. And McConaughey's chest-pounding humfest. Volk s wall street smotret online. We cant blame him with the Margot Robbie thing. Volk z wall street. This is a great movie in one way and one way only. It forced me to read enough comments written in native English and doing research in my Oxford dictionary in order to be able to fully describe its nauseating abomination. So here I go: It is a mind jarring experience, detestable at its best, utterly obnoxious and vomit invoking for the most part. The so called plot is an incredibly poor excuse to graphically display all sorts of what is supposed to be exciting porn for infantile teenagers but really is nothing more than a boring nerd boy's fantasy of what that would be like. So being insanely rich and completely void of all morals means. I really hate having to call this a "spoiler" you can marry the blondest of all blondest bimbos and the hottest of all hottest babes at the same time? In one person? Wooow. Sorry for digressing into trying to actually make a movie sound more thoughtful than it deserves. It falls flat on all accounts, it is not worth watching except maybe for the list of people who produced it and the studio which spit it out so they and it can better be avoided like a toxin. I guess, toxins at least don't give you a feeling of comatose boredom which this movie did until I finally gave up trying to become a masochist and simply turned it off. A disgusting, atrocious, infuriatingly overrated, unnecessary and offensive movie. Scorsese and DiCaprio could have done the exact same thing by taking a dump into a bucket and asking the audience to pay money so they can eat it for three hours. They surely would have done it and succeeded if there weren't laws helping the mentally wrecked doing this kind of harm to themselves. The only credit I can give to this film is that the Internet spared me the embarrassment to waste money on it and I learned one word which completely sums it up: preposterous.
“Sides? Sides? 26,000, worth of SIDES. What are these sides, they cure cancer? ” “The sides did cure cancer, thats the problem. And thats why they were so expensive.”. Volk z wall stretta. Volk z wall stretta cover. Volk z wall streeta. Volk s wall streeta. Volk z wall stretta 2. Reminds me of Scorcese's King Of Comedy movie style lighthearted bio. Volk z wall streeta spored. Volk z wall stretta nj.
This scene forshadows Jordan and naomi getting together, yeah boy.
I like to think of myself as a "movie connoisseur. I like good good movies only! I cant stand most of the garbage that's been put out recently. But this movie. this movie right here is hands down. THE BEST F'IN MOVIE i have ever had the pleasure of watching! From the very beginning to the very picture is riveting! I absolutely LOVE all things Scorsese. from Mean even Hugo for that matter. but this is an absolute EPIC! I would go as far as saying that this is the greatest movie I have ever seen. Better that Casino or Goodfellas... I cant say enough about it.
Motion Picture masterpiece. Leo is INCREDIBLE and just a joy to watch. Jonah Hill... excellent. The two together just work so well. Even Matthew macounoughey's small part was great.
It puts the movie "boiler room" to shame! This movie is friggin brilliant! I love it! and I cant wait to see it again!
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