∥Hulu Download Full Public Enemies

2020.06.04 12:08

Crime, Biography

country USA

Scores 263789 votes

Tomatometers 7,7 / 10

writed by Michael Mann

Resume Public Enemies is a movie starring Christian Bale, Johnny Depp, and Christian Stolte. The Feds try to take down notorious American gangsters John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson and Pretty Boy Floyd during a booming crime wave in the

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What is the name of that song. The high frame rate makes this look like a History channel re-enactment. Police departments are fronts for peadophile rings. @LittleZ90 On one hand it's really weird that they filmed it that way. on the other hand it's interesting how it makes it easier to relate to that time period when watching it... kinda snatches you from modern time and combines it with back then... Not sure if that makes sense, I'm but not really sure how to explain it.

Steven Stonewall Jackson! Best role for me. He is a Legend in real live. People are sleeping on this movie. I only got to watch it a few days ago, almost a decade after release. And holy hell is it good. My acting teacher for many years was Bill Wendt, the actor who plays John Dillinger in this movie. He was a great man and awesome teacher. I was lucky to have known him.

I remember purvis chasing pretty boy floyd and bank robbery scene on the film... love it.

Man never thought Id (pause) a movie during Gun fight, But damn! Long as you know what

Those bullet impact sound effects though... This movie was amazing. Johnny Depp does a terrific job as John Dillinger. MIchael Mann has made yet another masterpiece. It might not be the movie for some people, but if you enjoy Depp doing what he does best and a lot of action, you will like this movie. It does have serious moments of conversating, but its great. Bank jobs, prison breaks, tommyguns and Depp being one bad mofo. Gotta love it. What that black and white movie call. Whats the name of the tune. The music works soo well with the ending. Damn! that's rod Serling. Was all of that footage real or was it acted out to resemble the actual event? i cant tell! someone answer this for me please.

Tell Billie for me, Bye bye blackbird. Lol Wow magic gun ! 0:36 it has a straight mag then at 0:38 magically shoots with c drum mag, then stops to reload the straight mag again, wow, that was quick dude. I can finally say, I just watched Manhattan Melodrama after the longest time, of wanting to see it. All I can say, is it is one Hell of a movie for it's time. But this my view. With the lovely Myrna Loy that she was, and with the setting the movie showed it's so clear. It's a known fact that Dillinger had a Crush on Myrna Loy. And to be honest for the person Dillinger was, this very much was the perfect movie for him to see before he was gunned down. It fits him very precisely. For those who have never seen it your missing out. Both movies Manhattan Melodrama and Public Enemies both go hand in hand. And with this powerful scene in Public Enemies and then Manhattan Melodrama the movie is a piece of film history that can never be replicated. I give it 10/10 stars.

Such a powerful scene, the score is incredible. I need to watch this. This is coming to Netflix soon and I have never seen it. What would you rate it on a scale 1 - 10. Die the way you lived, all of a sudden, that's the way to go. Don't drag it out. Living like that doesn't mean a thing.

Awsome movie.


Die the way you lived all of a sudden, thats the way to go. Dont drag it out Living like that doesnt mean a thing. Is that Rod Sirling. @MasterDeek Agree.