AMC on Demand Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Download

2020.06.06 00:37

Rating=608493 vote; genres=Fantasy, Adventure; ; Info=Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) thinks he is an ordinary boy celebrating his eleventh birthday, but he is far from right. A giant named Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) appears, and gives Harry the all-important news. He is a wizard. Now his journey in life gets more intense as he travels to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry to learn the trade of being a wizard. Here, he meets his friends who would be by his side for many years to come. Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) is not a very brave friend and Hermione (Emma Watson) is the smart friend. But not everything is quiet at Hogwarts as Harry suspects someone is planning to steal the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone; Release date=2001; Rupert Grint





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😂 OWLS Delivered Hogwarts letters and So Many Letters on Sunday Mornings are all silly. Harry potter sorcerer's stone download xbox. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2019 Verified Purchase I collect different versions/ covers of the first Harry Potter book, so seeing this one (even though I cannot read Japanese) I had to have it. The quality of this book is amazing. I tried to include as many pictures as possible. It does come with a little white slip cover near the very bottom of the book that is removable. There are some annoying stickers on the back (our front) of the book but I am not going to risk ruining the slip cover taking those off. Removing both slip covers, the book is white- nothing too special there. In the middle of the book there are some pages not attached to the book-- a nice edition to the book itself. And I absolutely love the chapter art I think it's so unique and different. Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2019 Verified Purchase I needed something interesting to read in Japanese as I'm an intermediate learner and this is perfect. What's even better, the price! Foreign exports are expensive... Doing this on the kindle is amazing too because you can look up kanji you don't know in no time! Reviewed in the United States on August 11, 2019 Verified Purchase This is such a great book if you’re learning Japanese! I feel like the story is so well known and it’s simple enough to follow what’s going on. Reviewed in the United States on April 28, 2013 Verified Purchase Before I start, I want to note that this review is for the Japanese edition of the Philosopher's stone. The story is as amazing as the English edition, and the translation is very faithful to the original (without reading awkwardly in Japanese) which is very nice. Overall, the translation is great and leaves nothing out from the English edition. The binding is great as well, paper is of very good quality (slightly transparent, which was expected; paper is very sturdy). Chapter illustrations may seem simplistic at first glance, but I found them to be charming. Furigana is included with most kanji, however there are a few kanji which do not feature furigana. The only problems I had with furigana is that it is slightly inconsistent; some 2nd grade kanji featuring furigana with some 4th grade kanji not. However, considering the target audience, it's not that big of a deal. Overall a really great book for new fans of the series or anyone reliving childhood memories. Reviewed in the United States on April 29, 2020 Verified Purchase Cover looks good with a tiny bit of wear, might be a bit old but it's in great condition. All in all very satisfied Reviewed in the United States on February 22, 2020 Verified Purchase I'm a Japanese student hoping to be able to read this someday. I'm very excited to dive in. The book came in good shape. Reviewed in the United States on October 7, 2019 Verified Purchase Arrived early than expected and it great condition. Super duper pleased about it all Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2018 Verified Purchase Took a little while to come as I'm in Seattle and the sender was in Japan, but the book came in perfect condition. It's a slow read since I am using it to help me study Japanese, and perhaps I should've waited until I knew more kanji, but having read the books in English and knowing what happens already helps a bit with figuring out certain kanji but the harder kanji does have furigana on the side to make it a bit easier to look up. Top international reviews 5. 0 out of 5 stars Found this because you're learning Japanese? Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 24, 2014 Verified Purchase Paper back book, opens reverse, and the writing is read top to bottom right to left. as graphic on the paper back is a white feather outline to a dark blue (night sky) background. This differs from the kindle from page displayed (at the time of writing this) If you found this book because you're learning Japanese and might be looking to read a book that you have read in English then his is a good way to practice reading fluently, That's how I stumbled on this book. However, even though this story is suitable to a younger audience, as with the english version this book is sitting around intermediate level and is written as such. To understand in any real depth, at the very least you will need to have your kana and a good few hundred topical kanji to make any kind of sense out of it. Maybe buy it and use it as a goal to be achieved?! You might get away with reading it with reference to a kanji chart chart or a quick google on a decent translation site ( seems good). If you're already familiar with the story then reading over the kanji you don't understand might not take the fun out of it. Might be like reading the English version where someone has taken a black marker to a few words every page (or complete section... ). Some of the more advanced kanji do have furigana but not all and not frequently. I'm not at intermediate level or anywhere near it, but, it hasn't taken the fun out of reading the parts of the book that I can and I have picked up a few more kanji as well as some vocabulary. This might be good for you as an nice change studying from a text book, a nice change of pace. Personally I love the Harry Potter story and I'm enjoying this book as a learning tool. As a side note, if you are looking for some lower level manga or novels around primary level then there are a good selection to be bought through amazon, (for example Doraemon). There are a decent number of light novels as well so they are worth a look. Hope this helps, Thanks for reading. 21 people found this helpful Sending feedback... Thank you for your feedback. Sorry, we failed to record your vote. Please try again Report abuse 4. 0 out of 5 stars Paperback Bunko is not quite as it seems Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 28, 2019 Verified Purchase Like many, I bought this so I could attempt (and fail) to read this natively in Japanese. I found myself also buying an English copy to refresh my memory, and help translate passages I was struggling with, and this is when I realised something was wrong. I purchased the "Paperback Bunko" copy, which is a common small-format size for japanese books. I'd overlooked this because I'm stupid, and was surprised how small the book was when it arrived. As I was flicking through both English and Japanese copies, I realized the chapters didn't seem to line up... that's when I discovered that the Japanese version only had 9 chapters, not the full 17 chapters in the standard English version. The book is marked as "Book 1-1" meaning Book 1, part 1... This is not the full book. This was not made clear in the description. 4 stars, simply because of this oversight. TL;DR - Paperback Bunko version is only 9 chatpters long as it's "part 1 of 2". 2 people found this helpful Book came in excellent condition. My only issue is that I need... Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 10, 2017 Verified Purchase Book came in excellent condition. My only issue is that I need to learn more vocabulary to read it but I already knew I would so i'm very happy with it. I don't know if I would say this book is Intermediate level though, it's got a few words that are JLTP N1 (the highest level) so words like that will definitely need looking up in a dictionary ( is a great online one). The book is really great though. The writing is traditionally set as left-to-right and up-to-down so it feels great to read. Definitely a good purchase if you want something to work up towards reading. Especially if you've read the book in your own language first. Everything I expected:) Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 9, 2016 Verified Purchase Arrived within the provided timeframe and in a good state. The book fits easily in your bags and, well, it's Harry Potter, can't go wrong with that. Harry Potter auf japanisch Reviewed in Germany on October 6, 2018 Verified Purchase Es kam pünktlich an. Bin gerade dabei japanisch zu lernen, habe deshalb das Buch angeschafft, zum lernen. Über den Inhalt an sic kann ich nichts sagen, soweit bin ich mit japanisch lernen noch nicht. Macht aber einen guten Eindruck! 3 people found this helpful Report abuse 5. 0 out of 5 stars Happy guy Reviewed in Australia on August 28, 2019 Verified Purchase Great purchase, brand new and an awesome version of the book. Very happy Juste super Reviewed in France on January 4, 2020 Verified Purchase Article reçu en peu de temps, emballé parfaitement et qui a fait un super cadeau de Noël! 久しぶりに面白い本を読んだ Reviewed in Japan on July 2, 2018 Verified Purchase ハリーポッターと賢者の石はテレビで途中まで見たが、やめてしまった。 本だったら読みたいときに読めると思って電子書籍を購入した。 読み始めたときはそうでもなかったが、読み進めるに従ってどんどん面白くなった。 16 people found this helpful 活字を読むのはいいよ Reviewed in Japan on February 4, 2019 Verified Purchase DVDでも持っていて、見てもいますが、やはり、原作の方が細かく、内容も濃いものなので、本を買いました。やっぱり、映画として観るのもいいですが、本で活字を読むのはもっと、いいですね。両方は分かりやすいですよ。 Five Stars Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 2, 2014 Verified Purchase 物語のテンポがとても良くおもしろかった Reviewed in Japan on January 16, 2019 Verified Purchase 登場人物の名前が頭に残りにくく何度も読み返したが、かえって、それが面白さが増したようだった。 4 people found this helpful The!名作 Reviewed in Japan on April 21, 2020 Verified Purchase 映画にもなったベストセラーのハリーポッターシリーズの第一巻です。 実は映画すら見た事ない超初心者なんで、この本で事前に勉強しようかと思います。 今の時期、コロナの影響で外にも出れないので、本を読むチャンスでもあります(^o^)👌みなさんもぜひ! 軽くて綺麗 Reviewed in Japan on April 8, 2019 Verified Purchase 旅行で飛行機に乗ることになり、大きいのももっているが、時間つぶしにと購入。 軽くて綺麗だったし、買って良かった。 どの世代も楽しめる Reviewed in Japan on October 15, 2019 Verified Purchase 小学生の姪にお誕生日プレゼントにリクエストされ購入。 私も学生時代発売を今か今かと待ち、購入した日に徹夜で読みました。 Report abuse 4. 0 out of 5 stars ファンタジーの良さ Reviewed in Japan on March 22, 2019 Verified Purchase ファンタジーを読むと、心が癒される。 勉強や仕事の合間に、こういった良質なお話は、寛ぎの泉だ。 Report abuse.

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