Ameba Ownd



Training with Akamine Sensei - Okinawa 2019 ⑤

2020.06.06 16:35

-David B.

Week 2

Classes continue, and the kids have been coming every day to practice with me. After kihon, we'd do kata, then maybe some kobudo. So far I've gone along for Pinan shodan, Pinan nidan, and Passai sho. I've followed along with Naihanchi and Chinto but don't feel too comfortable with them yet.


Paraphrased nuggets of wisdom:

“If you have a bad practice or habit, your form will not correct itself; rather you will perfect doing it the wrong way. Your certainty in your mistake will also grow stronger. So we practice kihon, to make sure we're doing things correctly, no matter how long we practice, we return to kihon, to our posture. It needs to be polished over years of practice, so you can't possibly mess it up.”



Sensei extended his arm. Block this, he said, put your power into it. When I brought my arm to his, he pressed me down and pulled me off balance. That's because you aren't using your tanden; you aren't putting your koshi into it. When your body is in sync, your power moves through your whole body; If your stance is off, if you’re not properly utilizing your hips and lower back, you'll be weak no matter how strong you look. Try again. I rooted myself and flexed my core, and although I couldn't match his strength I could hold my stance against his. This is what he meant by the unseen power in kata; you can go through the movements, but the real practice is in learning to use your body as a conduit for the energy.


I realized that this is one reason why Paul said he had abandoned all his other styles and their kata when he committed to training in the Hozonkai; not all styles teach how to effectively use power in this subtle way; and it becomes easy to practice in the wrong way, which is detrimental to your development. You can dabble, and see what the other styles offer, but knowing that most of their newer stances were developed because they didn't know or couldn't stand correctly, that all these extra layers of movement aren't being used to generate additional power, but to mask the lack of power delivery. It kind of takes the wind out of the neko-ashi dachi of matsubayashi-ryu or the mahanmi of wado-ryu. Why ARE your heels raised? Why ARE your hips turned out and disjointed?


Do you feel particularly powerful blocking or striking when your power isn't being transferred? Or does it just look cool? Is there substance to the style? “There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just different from what we do,” is often heard in the Akamine Dojo.


Wednesday was raining and I noticed a flat tire on my bike. Took the monorail and walked from Shuri castle. Sensei gave permission to train in street clothes, thankfully. Despite being on foot, I was a sweaty mess when I got to the dojo, thanks to the 4km walk down from the castle. My shins would regret that for days to come.


We did passai dai and I asked sensei about the 270 degree step. I don’t often do that turn to my blindside, but usually we’d pull the feet together to increase the inertia of the turn, so I wanted to observe his method. First he asked me to give it a try. Remembered his words, I turned on the balls of my feet. "Yes! you can't do it on your heels, you won't have control, but first it helps to turn your pivoting leg's foot and knee inwards slightly, then slide your other leg behind the pivot leg before the pirouette, then just as you complete the turn, your foot slides back into a full natural stance, now square and 270 degrees from where you started. It all comes from kihon, and is a form of sabaki (body movement/shuffling). Always move toes first, always keep your center. When the movement becomes comfortable you can move quickly and efficiently without compromising your balance.


Here's another thing that's interesting, Sensei pulled out a new set of Tonfa. See how this tonfa has a “sharp” square edge to it? Foreigners like it like this, they think it looks cool, and maybe it can do more damage to your enemy... but if can also hurt you, and it limits what you can do. He pulled out an older looking set. “See how the body is just as round as the handle? it's because in addition to all these striking surfaces, you can also grab the body and swing it like so, or even use the handle to hook around the arm, leg or neck.” These additional moves are made more difficult by the 90 degree angles on the newer tonfa. He then gave me a bo staff and had Shuyu show me how to swing it. Bring your hands to your ears as you swing and you won't hurt yourself, Sensei advised. It's the same for bo staff as it is for tonfa and nunchaku. Just like how we always crossed our arms on our way to a block.


Sensei had me practice Pinan 1 and 2, then Passai Sho, Passai Dai, Chinto and Naihanchi 1 and 2 with the kids. I felt out of my element, like staring into a chasm, with Soken sensei's words echoing throughout. "The answers are all in the kata." Despite wanting eagerly to learn all the kata at once I understood how each one builds on one another, introducing new concepts while encapsulating the old, with kihon throughout, turning everything new into kihon. The new moves and applications themselves churn the bunkai of the previous kata, providing new insight into what those movements can mean. Knowing the bunkai makes the kata performance itself more meaningful. Pinan is basic movement in every direction with basic moves protecting your center, and linking movement together. Naihanchi is rooted, lateral movement. Passai introduces new angles and techniques for the hands, and also gentle kamae; the last moves sweeping away uneven ground with your toes, and clearing away foliage gently with your hands. Chinto introduces a leaping kick and standing leg balances where you not only hook your foot behind your standing leg, but also pivot on that leg like a spinning flamingo. And so on.


Friday, a typhoon was blowing in, with sporadic torrential downpours making being outside a bad idea in general. I was willing to risk it on bike, but decided to figure out the bus. I finally found the right stop, which ironically was on the opposite side of the street I thought it would be heading initially in the wrong direction. Either from all the biking or walking or training, I've had pretty unrelenting shin splints… riding that bus, my lower body was thankful for the reprieve.


Sensei has been increasing my exposure, and confided that while they’re all improving their understanding, no one that has come to train with him has fully understood the principles of power and the importance of kihon, and I felt I should be proud of whatever progress I can make, because we’re all only in competition with our current selves. In talking about the various videos of kata online, he mentioned that watching someone perform kata can tell him they learned their moves from watching videos, because he can tell they aren't tightening and relaxing properly. They may have all the moves down, but they aren't really doing the kata correctly, so it’s clear they haven’t had direct instruction. There are things you can't learn from a video; especially since the secrets to Sensei Soken's karate are mostly "hidden," even within their own kata. This isn’t something that can be packaged for mass consumption, the technique can only be polished under a critical eye.


Sensei explained some of the norms and origins of kata etiquette. When the Tonosama (king of Ryukyu) had the Chinese delegates or royal visitors over, he asked his guard (possibly Bushi Matsumura himself?) to perform some martial arts for his guest (enbu). If the performer had bowed while keeping eye contact, or leapt into a harsh, violent performance, it would have angered the king and his guests. So the Bushi started and ended with a polite bow, avoiding eye contact but maintaining awareness of his surroundings. When he began to perform, his eyes were soft and friendly, and his moves were slow and elegant, but deliberate. This is also "bi," or beauty. This is also defined as symmetry, balance, and beauty of movement with good posture.
