AMC Django Unchained Movie Watch
8,5 of 10
country USA
Directed by Quentin Tarantino
Jamie Foxx
Quentin Tarantino is probably my favorite director. I just love his movies. You need to keep this Smitty Bacall 's good luck. 0:27. Listen to this while gaming.
2:52 That's a title screen right there. When I see nice booty on the street, I make that Django expression. 3:08. I favorite moment in the entire film is at 2:50. just Quentin rummaging through his things. I love that a former slave kills all the overseers, blows the house up and destroys the entire family legacy of a slave master. THAT. is how you do a revenge movie. Such a great movie, propably even the best movie ever made. Is this version available on Spotify? I couldnt find it. Finally, a scene where the Aussie buys it. I just love how we have a line-up of Hollywood 's biggest A list - and they look like they have been cramped in the back of someone's dining room.
Best way to start 2019. Oh yeah i was in Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter lmfaooo i was a slave in that, now Im a slave in this lol.
Tarantino always knows how to awkwardly laugh much longer than the situation requires. I think this is one of the most beautiful song anyone has ever heard in such a long time. 2:13 : Stephen - “I Count 6 Shots Ni* a” 2:17 : Django “I Count 2 Guns N* a” SUCH A BADASS LINE! Tarantino is a genius! BTW! NOT RACIST! JUST QUOTING THE FILM AND HOW AWESOME THE SCENE IS! NO HATE.
The back and forth between Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz throughout this movie was great. Love the part where he just stand over him and unloads everything into his body. Everyone: Cool guys walk away from explosions. Django: Hold my D... I want to see Leonardo DiCaprio play more as the villain in more movies he does it so well.
10:08 - And it sucks. Burst out laughing. The heart that longs for freedom will never be imprisoned. I wanna beer now. I love the laugh he gives when Django ask him what kind of dentist he is. I remember when this first came out, i saw it in the theater. Excellent movie. I love you, Tarantino.