Ameba Ownd




2020.06.07 13:31

Published  .   1941


 IF you are wedded to ancient fable, to old belief, or if you have reached the summit of spiritual knowledge, do not read this book. But if you recognize that life is an adventure, that the soul constantly searches for new fields to traverse, new avenues to explore, then here you will find those funda-mental truths of the spirit which are behind all the religions of the world.

 There is naught here contrary to that which was taught by the founders of all religions. Here is contained the truth concerning life on earth and life hereafter. If you are ready to receive it, you will find it will illumine your mind and enrich your soul. There is nothing here that will make your reason revolt or will insult your intelligence, for all is presented in the spirit of love and the desire to serve.




 THIS book is part of a mission, begun in the spirit world many years ago, to resurrect the essential truths that lie behind all religions and to present them again to the world in their original simplicity. It is the aim of spirit guides, who manifest in home circles all over the world, through mediums of all nationalities, to teach man of spiritual realities and equip him with the knowledge that will enable him to live a life of service and help usher in the New World of human brother-hood.

 In the chapters that follow are recorded some of the teach-ings that come from one who is beloved by thousands. He is known as Silver Birch, but that is not his real name, for he has declared that in the world in which he lives names do not matter. One day, he has promised, he will reveal who he is. Until then, I am content to judge him by his words—to accept the message though ignorant of the real identity of the messenger

 During the nine years that I have recorded, almost weekly, the trance utterances of this spirit messengerーfor he insists that he is but the messenger of those who sent him on his mission, and always refuses to accept any credit for the part he plays in the transmission of the teachings—I have learned to respect him as a high spiritual being possessing nobility of character, simplicity of outlook and eloquence of expression.

 Cold print cannot do justice to the warmth of his language or the love he manifests in all his associations with the many who have enjoyed his personal friendship. Those who have never sat in his séances, but know of Silver Birch only through the printed records of his words, can never appreciate his love for humanity to the same extent as we who listen to him regularly.

 To us, he is as real a person as any of the other sitters. His appeal is always to reason, his test of any action is motive, and his desire is only to serve. Filled with charity, kindness and understanding, he never condemns. He often directs shafts of criticism at institutions, but never at individuals. He never refuses a request for help. If he can render service, then no pains are too great, no explanation too difficult to attempt.

 When strangers, visiting for the first time Hannen Swaffer's home circle, where he manifests, thank him, Silver Birch always tells them to thank God instead. "I am but a servant, who requires no thanks,” he says, in effect. "All the credit belongs to the Great Spirit.” He insists that previously the message brought by the teacher has been obscured by people worshipping the messenger; he is afraid that if we start by thanking him we might end by deifying him and thus defeat his whole mission, which is to stress the direct approach to God of every individual and to deny the need for mediators.

         A. W. AUSTEN