Torrents Free Watch The Last Airbender
- Creator=M. Night Shyamalan
- Runtime=1 hours 43minutes
- Dev Patel
- Tomatometers=4,7 / 10 stars
- Release Date=2010
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Okay, that was cool. Gotta give you that. Infinite sins for sinning this masterpeice. The last airbender sequel. I would honestly watch every epiosde sinned, and watch - 1 sin for each second in the song leaves from the vine. he is not made of stone dammit. Avatar the last airbender episodes. I like how through the blurred parts I still know exactly whats going on. Ive watched this series a lot, probably too much.
The bending is way to slow as well, it takes so long for a rock to hit something. The last airbender 3. The last airbender wiki. The last airbender avatar. I love the music when Azula enters the scene because you know theres gonna be trouble. The last airbender show. The last airbender avatar movie.
The last airbender avatar imdb
The last airbender earth bending scene. The last airbender cartoon.
The only “good” things might be the music and this scene
The last airbender ending theme.
If you compare it to the series, there will be even more sins. The whole earth bending is controlling earth and not moving tiny rocks. The last airbender 2 movie. The last airbender avatar lofi. At least the action was cool. then the actors start speaking. The last airbender tv show. Fire is the best. The last airbender trailer 3. They should remake this movie, but leave Hollywood idiots out of it. The last airbender full movie. The last airbender - nostalgia critic reaction.
The last airbender ost. The last airbender. Im sorry. Youve made a huge mistake. There should be a sin for every second I have to watch it. The last airbender final battle. The last airbender avatar season 1. The last airbender games. The last airbender reviews. 6:21 In the actual show, the earth people were imprisoned at a place made entirely of metal so they wouldn't have the ability to fight back or rebel and they had their will broken by it. The last airbender agni kai. The last airbender 2 trailer.
The last airbender avatar characters
The last airbender azula.
The last airbender reaction.
I didn't expected anything when I saw this movie. In fact, I had really little knowledge of the Cartoon, but I thought it didn't look THAT bad.
Granted it is not a good movie, it's far from terrible. The problem with the movie is that they tried to put ALL the animated season in the movie. Characters and story development would have benefit from a lighter amount of plot lines. Dialogue really was BAD, and the exposition was quite arkword, however, the story itself is okay. The two main character are developed enough to explain the necessary plot lines, and overall, it only suffers from trying to do too much.
Whatever people said, the visual aspect saves this movie from failure. It's been a long time since I saw well done action scenes, without shaky camera and thousand of shot a second. The shots gives a clear view of the overall battle so you can clearly see what's going on. The fighting choregraphies were stylish and refreshing, and demonstrates beautiful CG effects, even tough the 3-D is completely useless. You have to admit, this is a really cool looking movie. The music is nice, but not very memorable. Let just say it compliments the story.
Overall, the movie wasn't good, and wasn't terrible. It could have been better with less plot points and better casting (I think the avatar and the prince really sat well in their respective role, but the rest of the cast doesn't. It was entertaining, but it's all. It's not a movie you watch times and times again. It simply suffers from being between the expectations of kids who loved the cartoon and the serious audience for whom it gives itself its mature tone. Most of time, you just can't please both.
Finsihed watching the last airbender on netflix- im actively mad at this movie for existing. (Sees its only 5:07 minutes) me: “youre shorter than I expected.”. The last airbender movie clips. 1:31 Welcome to the scene everyone gets fooled by. The video starts of with ‘Katararration and Im already cackling, Im loving it. I like how he keeps changing how he says awungowgas name.
Bruh this movie takes place in Asia and has Asian influences, why is Katara and Sokka white. The last airbender trailer 2020. The last airbender book 2. The last airbender 2010 cast. Seven-year-old me was so disappointed with this movie. The Last airbender. The last airbender lofi hiphop mix. My friend gave me this for my 7th birthday, Im 14 and still havent watched it. The last airbender live action. The last airbender movie trailer. The last airbender episodes.
Zuko is my favorite character next to Iroh, what about you.
GIVE. ME. BOJACK. HORSEMAN. It's my favourite show of all time and one of the best I've ever seen Also adventure time.
This was probably one of the only cool scenes in the movie. Yes of course the show did everything better but sticking to this movie alone id say this was pretty cool despite all the other shit in it. Edit: im talking bout the first 30 seconds of this video not so much everything after it lol.
The last airbender cast.
The last airbender being a mess.
The last airbender imdb. Were so lucky we didnt get a book two. They would have called toph tob, and tob would not be blind. The last airbender series. That one time where zuko bended lava. The last airbender 2 full movie. The last airbender 2 release.
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