☀️てるてるぼうず[teru-teru bozu]
2020.06.13 11:02
Teru-teru bozu is literally translated as shine-shine monk.
It’s a hand-made doll made of white paper or cloth. It’s a Japanese custom, which is believed to bring good weather for the next day if we hang it in the straight position.
On rainy days in Japan, children often make a doll out of tissue paper, and hang it in front of a window while singing the song of it “Teru-teru bozu, teru bozu, ashita tenki ni shiteokure🎵” which means “Please bring sunny tomorrow, teru teru bozu!”
Would you like to try to make it?😊
日本では雨の日に、子ども達はよくティッシュペーパーでそれを作って「てるてるぼうず、てるぼうず 明日 天気にしておくれ🎵」と歌いながら、窓の前に吊り下げます。