kinseidzu's Ownd

Disney Plus Watch Movie The Vast of Night

2020.06.13 12:12

Resume - In the twilight of the 1950s, on one fateful night in New Mexico, young switchboard operator Fay and charismatic radio DJ Everett discover a strange audio frequency that could change their small town and the future forever / Directed by - Andrew Patterson / User Ratings - 6,8 of 10 stars / Audience Score - 7567 Vote / Genres - Mystery / Writed by - Andrew Patterson


Amazing effects but not a good end. Come on, this is the second adaption of War of the Worlds in less than the space of a year and no one has still done a faithful adaption of the actual book yet. If they cant get what should have been the best version of this set in the Victorian times correct, this certainly wont be on in my house. This movie is really well done. Amazing quality it is like a much much better Resident Evil mixed with the Blade Runner. It also reminds me of Carbon Altered. Definitely worth the 3.99 Excellent. After watching this I have to say that the Russian government put a lot of resources into this. You can tell how there are many scenes where actually military is used. Still 10 out of 10.

This looks very Blade Runner-esque. Nice. As the child of a compulsive gambler, this film gave me a panic attack. The end was so shocking I was so into the movie and Adam Sandler was perfect for this role. Aliens invade earth Aliens get infected with Coronavirus THE END. I just watch this and i can say this is the most awesome russian big budget sci-fi movie Good action but the plot is weird and its kinda bad I'll give this 6/10... I can say the battleship and battle los Angeles is far better. Best video.

Love this movie. Jake Horowitz and Sierra McCormick were awesome

Russian movies are really good one's. When is this coming out? NOT on Amazon Prime. Love Sierra McCormick. Holds up Abominable: I'm probably not gonna review it. Me: sad Yeti noises. That long take is astounding. Ive never been more stressed watching a movie.


This movie stressed the HELL out of me! Definitely a movie to watch more than once. Adam Sandler did fantastic and your review was spot on with some of the things I was thinking while watching the movie. This was a fresh story, i look at it in Russian and english subtitles. The scene with the old lady and Billy scenes voice really was amazing amongst the amazing performances from the leads. The closest to the original? Jeff Wayne's musical version. The original 70s version with Richard Burton's narration. Still the best. One recommendation i would make in small budget sci-fi is I'll fellow you down staring Haley joel osment the former child actor is finally working again in this movie he plays the part of a son who's father is working on time travel and goes missing no big special effects but great story and great acting and it's free to watch on YouTube right now have you seen it.

Perfect role for him. Steven Spielberg tri pod sound is so creepy makes me wanna watch the movie just thinking about it. Is the twist going to be that the aliens are all killed by the Coronavirus. along with all the humans. 2019 is a crazy year! Terminator is officially a critical flop, while Adam Sandler stars in an actual great movie in a long time. The dudes eyes said it all! I knew Adam was getting shot in the head 100% the moment it was over whether he won or not, just for pissing that blonde guy off.

People talk over each other in this movie. Hmmm. kind of like in real life. 😂😂😂 For real though. There are literally two scenes in this one trailer where it cuts right before we see the aliens. One of my favorite sub genres, 50s UFO paranoia! I loved it. This is one of many reason why elon musk wanted to go to mars.
