英会話備忘録:英会話フィーリングリッシュ・ 即レス英会話・基礎英語

即レス英会話24:Would you like another one?

2020.05.27 14:00

おもてなし 即レス英会話 5月度

Would you like another one?:お代わりされますか?

📝 冒頭の会話より

A : They have a nice flavor and an interesting texture.

B : Would you like another one?


Sanae : So, you guys work for a women's magazine in the Philippines.


Cherry : Yeah, We need ideas for magazine topics. Are they any famous sweets in this area ?


Sanae : Actually, yes! すみません!そば団子ください


Sanae : These are soba-dango.


Cherry : Mmm. They have a nice flavor and an interesting texture.


Sanae : Would you like another one ?


Cherry : Sure !


Ricky : Cherry, don't forget. We're here for work, not for fun !


Sanae : I have an idea ! I own a guest house, and my grandmother's soba-dango are famous. You should come and try them !


🔻🔻 即レス英会話 キーフレーズ解説 🔻🔻

Would you like another one ?:お代わりされますか?

飲食店などで相手にお代わりをすすめる時の定番のフレーズです。would you like〜?は

Do you want 〜 ? 「〜が欲しい」よりも丁寧でフォーマルな響きの表現です。今回のストーリーでは another soba-dango? の代わりに another one と代名詞の one を使って、すでに話題に出た名詞の余分な繰り返しを避けています。Would you like seconds? もよく使われます。

✅ 即レス英会話 色々な言い回し

Would you like seconds?:おかわりはいかがですか?

Do you want some more?:おかわりはどう?(家族や親しい間柄などで)

Would you like a second helping ?:おかわりはいかがですか?

Would you like some more ?:もう少しいかがですか?


That was amazing, but I am good now. 

✅ 即レス英会話 フレーズを使ってみよう

A : Alisa, do you like to have seconds ? Do you always like to have another one?

B : Absolutely, I'll always have another one.

✅ 即レス英会話 ハリーとアリサの会話

A : Hey! This is a free ticket to Sokuresu Art gallery. I really wanted to go ! Thank you ! Oh, My mom she wanted to go, too.

B : Would you like another one ?

A : Yes. Thank you. It is OK if I get one for my dad, and my boyfriend, too ?

A : This rice cake is looks good !

B : Hey! That's the last one ! 

C : Would you like another one ?

A : That was fantastic !

B : I'm so full !

C : Would you like some more ?

A:  All of its !?

🔊 発音ジム 🎵

Would you like another one ? ― 「Would you like」は「ウジューライク」で「ライク」の箇所を意識してそのほかは軽めに発音します。「another」は「アナザー」ではなく、口をあまり開けずに、弱く曖昧に「ア」の発音で「アナァザァ」のように言います。

🔷🔹 即レス英会話 フレーズ備忘録 🔹🔷

you guys:ええっと…

work for~:~に勤めている

for fun:遊びで/楽しみに
