Ameba Ownd


ojimibuma's Ownd

⚝1337x⚝ Ready or Not Watch

2020.07.02 10:12

Director -

Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett /

release Year -

2019 /


genre -

Comedy /

Average ratings -

7,2 of 10 Star /

Countries -

USA, Canada

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Act 1 - 6.60
Act 2 - 6.00
Act 3 - 5.90
Samara Weaving is really good in this film and you root for her to survive
Grace marries into a super rich family
At midnight they have to play a game to join the family
Pull a card and that's what game they play
She draws hide and seek which we know ends in death
She has to hide till dawn to survive
The rest of the family tries to find her and will kill her if she is found
Alex was scared of this outcome as he doesn't want if wife to be killed
Only second time they've played hide and seek in 30 years
End of the first act Grace discovers what is really going on and Alex tries to help her
Movie is funny at times
Grace decides to fight back
Alex unlocks the doors then gets knocked out by his dad
Grace makes it out of the house
Georgie the kid shoots her in the hand in the stables
Confused why all the other games are normal but hide and seek has to end in death
Starts to turn into a generic horror movie with a girl trying to survive
And the girl does some stupid things like running in an open field
When Grace gets the car the movie should have been over but more dumb stuff happens
Movie has no depth
Alex turns on Grace because he knows Grace won't be with her after this and Daniel died helping Grace
Grace makes it to dawn and the family combusted
Grace sees Le Baile in his chair
Grace walks out of the house as emergency services arrives
Comedy works in the film.

Ready or not watch online 2019.

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