Ameba Ownd




2020.07.04 04:18

 IN a previous book, Teachings of Silver Birch, I recorded the case of woman who refrained from committing suicide because of Silver Birch's answer to a question she sent. She asked whether it was ever permissible for a person to pass on by his own act. He replied, “No... You have no right to interfere with the operation of the Law, and if you do you must pay the price for cutting yourself off. ... It will also have the effect of causing you to be separated from the ones you love, for you will have made a gulf.”

 This answer decided the woman to live her life to its natural end. She asked us to tell Silver Birch that “though bitterly disappointed at his dictum, I will accept his ruling and carry on' to the best of my ability till I receive my call."

 Now I can record another case of a suicide being prevented by the teaching of this guide. Here are some extracts from a letter received by Hannen Swaffer from a man living in the South of England. The extracts are self-explanatory:

 "For the past ten years I have suffered pain daily without cessation. For the first five years of the ten I was out of work owing to my trouble. I felt hopeless and was obsessed with the desire for self-destruction. I had got as far as choosing a spot in the wilds of Yorkshire so as to save friends embarrass-ment.

 "One of these friends, not knowing my state of mind, lent me Teachings of Silver Birch. Although one of the average scoffers, I read the book, and from that moment the entire outlook of my life was changed. Previously, life was pointless,

my suffering futile and death was desired as a means to oblivion. I am afraid words are a poor vehicle to express my-self with; but I am sure you can appreciate my feelings. Tired of life in my early thirties—and then to see in a glorious panorama, as portrayed by Silver Birch, the beauty and truth of everything. The change was so effective as to bring com-ments on my improved appearance from friends; although they did not know the reason.

 "Silver Birch and his wonderful teachings pervade my lifeーand I have modelled myself and try to live as he directs. The reason I write this letter is to ask if you could just say 'Thank you' to Silver Birch for me. Maybe he knows; sometimes I feel he does. If you cannot give my thanks to Silver Birch, you will at least know how I have been helped.”