How to distinguish a good review?
Have you found your dreamed dress at an excellent price and wonder if the firm is not a scam? Or, maybe you are looking for a service you know nothing about a do not know which one to choose? Or maybe you are an author and you are thinking how to make a review useful for the receivers? Either way, read the article below.
Look at the date
If you are looking for some opinions before deciding on a certain firm or product, always sort the Google results by the newest ones. Remember that often the firm owner can change and then, so does the service. Even if the company has negative opinions, but they are from like 3 years back, this does not mean that the quality of their products is still that bad. This is why you should always look at the most recent rankings, reviews and comments, since they provide current information.
Catchy title
Are you a writer wondering how to make your review ‘stand out in the crowd’? First things first - the title. When the potential client is googling something up, he/she sees only the links as the results. Naturally, the client chooses only the upstaging titles. That is why you should always make sure that your title draws attention.
Stick to the facts
As you are the expert in the field, your readers trust you and counts that what you write is the pure and the whole truth. Everyone knows that some reviews are just the marketing tricks and the authors are hired to promote the company. But, if you want to write the review fully useful for the customers, speak only facts. Present both pros and cons of the service, so that the client will not be surprised, if something goes wrong. Moreover, try to back your article with sources to make it more reliable.
Match the content
Before you start writing, think: Who is the article destined for? Do I want to help average clients or the specialists in the field?
If you are writing a review potentially useful for daily customers, use easy language without any technological statements, so that the average reader could understand everything. On the other hand, if you are aiming for the experts and want to review a new firm or product on the market, be specific. Include all the details and do not hesitate to use a formal language, common in the business.
Look at some of the good practises among review writers. For example, in this Transferwise review the author quotes the most popular negative feedback and showcases both advantages and disadvantages of the service to help the reader figure out the full picture and opinion about this service. This is a helpful practise.
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