vudu Fantastic Four (2015) Full Movie HD 1080p
/ Directors=Josh Trank / duration=1hours 40 M / score=139419 votes / Genre=Drama / Germany
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Fantastic? No. Terrible? No.
Pretty blah? You betcha.
Already virtually guaranteed a slot in the biggest box office flops of all time list, Fantastic 4 neither merits attention by being a shining paragon in the field of superhero movies, or one of the worst examples of what is starting to become an overcrowded genre.
It's just kinda. There.
We discover their origins. We see them try to cope with their new identities and powers. Then of course, there's the big battle royale with Doctor Doom. All over and done with, in around an hour and a half.
Think of it like eating a Mcdonald's Happy Meal. It may fill you up, but it won't satisfy the parts that matter.
Just. Think about it.
How does it compare to the first F4 movie made a decade ago, before this pointless 'reboot'
My answer to that is. NO IDEA. You see, my reaction to both was complete indifference. Why bother repeating the same bland experience again?
I'm done here. 5/10.