Ameba Ownd


APU Beppaper

別府を愛し、別府に愛されるパン屋さん 木村家パン

2020.07.18 13:43


Hi it’s Risa! How are you all doing with the online courses? I’m getting kind of used to this “new normal” I guess.


So this time, we interviewed someone for the first time in a while!


That someone is Kobayashi san from Kimuraya-pan, the bakery! They recently started providing

And we asked the history of the bakery, the connection between them and the customers, the future of the store and more! I hope you enjoy reading it.


First, Kobayashi san told us the brief history of the bakery.




The original Kimiaraya-pan bakery is actually in Ginza, Tokyo according to her. Her father-in-law had worked at one bakery which was one of the branch-shops and he wanted to have his own bakery in Beppu, that’s how they started the current bakery. “People often ask us if our name is Kimura, since the name of the shop is Kimuraya, but it’s actually from the original Kimuraya-pan in Tokyo, it’s a shop name”


So if you look at the name of bakeries carefully, you actually can find many Kimuraya-pan everywhere and the reason why there are many of them is that the same reason as Kobayashi san mentioned, they are the shop name form the original shop in Ginza, Tokyo!



“It’s always nice to see our customers who are visiting here with their children and telling them their memories back in their high school days”


The shop is loved by students from Beppu university, students from the high school nearby and people live close to the shop. They told us the moments they feel the connections of those customers.


“There are certain kinds of bread that we don’t have anymore, and then some people who graduated from high school came and asked if we had the bread we had like 20 years ago. And that becomes something to start off the conversation like were you in the school and bought our bread back then and it just goes on which I think is nice to have that kind of conversation. And some people graduated from high school or the university who have already left Beppu, they drop by here saying they come back to Beppu for a holiday, and we say like if you could tell us beforehand that you are coming back, we can make the bread a few years ago for you.”


Not only that, they are selling their bread at Beppuwan Service Area and it started thanks to one staff member who was working there. The process was that staff's family eat their bread for a long time and the family recommended it for that staff and it's been decided.


"Working for a long time, the things became clear which was not by communicating with customers"



I came to Beppu 2 years ago for APU and I always get this feeling that the people in Beppu are very welcoming and nice, listening to this story from Kobayashi san, I thought I was right. I guess being close to the customers is one of the reasons why they are loved by people in Beppu for so long. And she told us that kind of connection between Kimuraya-pan and students from APU,


“We decided to hire a student from Vietnam for the first time 7,8 years ago. The student came here asking for a part-time job, and we thought she is capable enough to do the job here, her Japanese skill was great and all. We’ve never had anyone in general for a part-time job, but she was very nice and hard-working. We asked her if she could introduce her friends for the part-time job eventually. And then there have been students from many other countries like Hongkong, Botswana, Kenya, Fiji…It has been so much fun for us to work with them, they told us about their countries we’ve never been to. I get very impressed seeing them studying and going for their dreams.”


She told us that she could learn a lot through working with international students. Kimuraya-pan still has the connection with one of the students working at the bakery, who now runs a vietnamies restaurant Cuhponos. They distribute bread for the restaurant.


The connections between the shop and the customers are the key for how they keep their business and be loved by many people.



It has been 61 years since Kimuraya-pan started their business in Beppu. What could be the reason that they could continue their business this long?


“We also distribute our bread to SA, close to APU, and one of the customers from a different prefecture called us and they really liked the bread and wanted us to send some. And those moments make us very happy.”


As Kobayashi san told us, the connection between them and their customers has been supporting the shop for 61 years! Also the policy of Yes man the president doesn't say “ we can’t do that” is a factor to make the connection between customers and the shop stronger furthermore, the faith that we want to do customer orders as much as we can is supporting the shop.



Lastly, we asked about vision after 5, 10 years and a message for you guys who are reading!


”We won’t be the same place as we are in five or ten years, we are moving to Ishigaki but we hope we could meet new people and make customers happy. We want to keep the shop after 5, 10 years like when people who ate the loss pan we are passing go back to their hometown and want to go to beppu where their university is, we hope they recall like “We used to eat that bread.”. We want new connections like that. Since we are doing our best, please come visit us for bread sometimes.”


I couldn’t join the interviewing part this time, but I could feel that warm atmosphere just listening to the recording. I get the impression that it’s like home where you are always welcomed when you come back to Beppu from somewhere. I hope you could get it too from this article.


Kimuraya-pan will be reopening in Ishigaki on 29th of August, so please go visit there and get yourself some tasty bread!