Ameba Ownd



【New Project Launch on August 1st】

2020.07.22 14:07


 (Temporal Name)

*We haven't decided on the official name of this project.

Any idea?

Looking forward to your advice!

Planner: Ryota from JIPSC


Recently, we could see the news on Netanyahu’s annexation plan of a part of the West Bank or Judea and Samaria even in Japan. I talked with several Jewish and Palestinian friends and as you know different people have different opinions. However, the problem is that these opinions do not meet each other. These exist in parallel.

Then I came up with an idea.

What if we establish a platform where people can express their opinions, analysis, and episodes freely and anonymously?

・3 Steps To Share Your Idea

Step 1, Write Your Article

You can choose a topic about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and related issues. It can be annexation plan of a part of the West Bank or Judea and Samaria, the settlement issue, freedom of speech, education, and so on. Then write your article. You can write your opinion or analysis of a political event or your episode which you want to share with readers.

Step 2, Fill in The Form

After finish writing your article, please send it to us by the Google form. There are several questions about your belonging such as ethnicity and religion. But no worry! These are only for the management of this platform. We will never disclose them.

Step 3, Convey Your Voice

After we receive your article, we will translate it into Japanese and post the anonymous article on the Facebook page of JIPSC both in English and Japanese.

・Goals of This Project

To Disclose Your Voice

Last summer, I visited Israel and Palestine and I felt there is an atmosphere that makes it difficult to disclose ideas without any concerns. But on this platform, nobody has to represent their own community. Everybody can represent themselves because the article will be released anonymously.

To Bring A Chance for Interaction

The followers of our Facebook page are basically Japanese who support our activity and previous participants of the conference. Therefore, I hope it will be a chance to interact with them for example through comments onto the post. You can also introduce this platform to your family and friends. Then we can enlarge our community little by little.

To Form “Salad Bowl” Not “Melting Pot”

We can easily get access to the opinion of politicians by SNS or analysis of Journalists by the news. However, we can hardly know what people just like you and me are thinking. For example, in Japan, we can see the news from the middle east, but usually, these are in a negative context. In this way, it can easily shape a homogenous image - the middle east is dangerous.

It is oversimplified and not exactly true, isn't it?

 As I mentioned, different people have different opinions. And I hope we can cook the "Salad Bowl" together, a famous metaphor for a diversified community.

Thank you for your attention.

Now we are looking forward to your voices!

*We haven't decided on the official name of this project. Therefore, we will be grateful if you could share your advice.

*Additionally, if you have any questions or feedback on this project, please let us know by email. Your idea always helps us continue and improve our activity. 

Thank you!

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