Ameba Ownd


You Must Try Japanese Sake!

2020.08.15 06:15

 There are many kinds of Japanese sake in Japan. Many brands, many breweries and many types of sake.

 Japanese sake is kind a luxury item such as wine. Some love white wine and others love red one. Some people love souvignon blanc and the other love chardonnay.As same as this, the people love Junmai-daiginjyo and the other people love Junmai-syu.

 The writer is a  "International Kikisake-shi". That mean Jpanaese sake sommelier. I love "Jyunmai Daiginjyo/Ginjyo" so this time I introduce them. Even them, there are some kinds so please try and find your favorite one!

①The product name: 明鏡止水 Meikyo Sisui (Top photo above)

Specific classification: 純米吟醸 Jyunmai Ginjyo

Brewery name: Osawa Brewery in Nagano Pref.

Seimaibuai: 50%

Seimaibuai is the degree to which the rice used in brewing has been milled or polished. 

For example, rice with a 60% seimaibuai means the rice has had the outer 40% ground away. 

 Surrounding the starchy centre are lipids, proteins and minerals that cause negative aromas and flavors. Thus, to avoid producing an undesirable flavor,  the rice is milled to remove the unnecessary outer portion and absorbs up 25 to 30% of its original volume.

②The product name: 秀凰 Shuho(above photo )

Specific classification: 純米大吟醸 Jyunmai Daiginjyo

Brewery name: Shuho Brewery in Yamagata Pref.

Seimaibuai: 45%

① Jyunmai ginjyo ②Jyumai daiginjyo What is the difference?

② have "dai" before "ginjyo" . ②Jyunmai daiginjyo is more expensive and usually better taste because of the seimaibuai.

①Jyunmai ginjyo: The only ingredients are rice and rice koji. No alcohol is added. Seimaibuai must be 60% or less.

②Jyunmai daiginjyo: The only ingredients are rice and rice koji. No alcohol is added. Seimaibuai must be 50% or less.

②Jyunmai daiginjyo is more removed the unneccesary portions so you can feel richer taste.

③The product name: 姿 Sugata(above photo)

Specific classification: 純米大吟醸無濾過生原酒 Jyunmai Daiginjyo Muroka Namagennshu

Brewery name: Iinuma Brewery in Tochigi Pref.

Seimaibuai: 40%

This one is same as ②Jyunmai daiginjyo but after it, this have "Muroka nama genshu". You must think what it is.

"Muroka" means "no filtration". The main purpose of filtration (roka) is to make sake clear. But filtration tends to strip components more than necessary, resulting in a loss of certain characteristics. 無 read as "mu" is without so "muroka" means "without filtration". You can see the original sake color and taste.

"Nama" means "raw" not pasteurized at all. Usually Japanese sake is pasteurized twice but if the label says "Nama", no pasteurized. You may feel fresh flavor.

"Genshu" means original. Usually Japanese sake is added the water in the making process but "Genshu" made without any additional water.You might enjoy on the rocks and feel deeper flavor.

④The product name: 鳴海 Naruka(above photo)

Specific classification: 純米吟醸直詰生 Jyunmai Daiginjyo Jikazume Nama

Brewery name: Azumanada Brewery in Chiba Pref.

Seimaibuai: 55%

You already know "Jyunmai daiginjyo" and "nama" but "jikazume" is new word.

Usually Japanese sake is storaged in the tanks but "Jikazume" is bottled directly.

Thus, "Jikazume" "nama" is super fresh!!

There are many types of Japanese sake and lots of complicated words so it may difficult to understand for foreigners. However enjoy trying to compare, you must feel the difference and find your favorite ones!

#Japanesesake  #Jyunmaishu "Jyunmaidaiginjyo #Jyunmaiginjyo "sakebrewery #seimaibuai #murokanamagenshu #jikazume #sake #sakesommelier