Ameba Ownd


Enric Macias Lopez Portfolio

Ameba Ownd

2015.10.08 04:05

Working in CyberAgent I developed the Ameba Ownd App (iOS and Android). 

Ameba Ownd is a service platform to create homesites and blogs. The smartphone application is enhanced to easily create a new site, design your custom sections/pages, write new website/blog entrances, check your site status and read/find other user posts.

Dev. Period: Sep 2015-Nov 2018
OS/Ver.: iOS 9.0-12.0
People: 2 front-end developers (me), 3 back-end developers, 2 designers, 1 director, 1 producer
AppStore Link:

During my time there we improved the app conducting some qualitative usability tests, where I was in charge of the test planning and execution.

After the app renewal we decided to include a drawer menu binding some similar concepts. That menu was implemented entirely by myself.

Both app editors (page and blog/article editors) were remade from scratch by myself. Rebuilding the whole interface and adding new functionalities.

Should note that the text node in these editors is a WebView where the user writes and formats regular text, but is translated to HTML code simultaneosly.

The editors were optimized for a simple and write on the go use. 

During my time there I also developed a custom tab menu bar. Implementing this custom menu we were able to design an intuitive interface for the user to choose its site design. Consequently we optimized the user experience.