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fmovies Interstellar Movie Download In Italiano

2020.08.05 08:43

/ Tomatometers - 9,4 / 10 Stars / Star - Jessica Chastain / release date - 2014 / Christopher Nolan / Country - Canada, USA

❂ ✯☆✯☆✯☆✯☆✯☆✯☆✯☆✯☆✯☆✯☆


❂ ★♦★♦★♦★♦★♦★♦★♦★♦★♦★♦



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I don't dare to call the basic story of the movie completely original: The world is on the edge of extinction in terms of the near future, there's not enough food and raw materials for all the existing inhabitants of the planet, which is becoming more and more unviable, so a solution should be found ASAP. This is the concept which has been tried to be used by many movies with more or less success in the near past. But the Interstellar (by utilizing this basic idea) could have implemented an incredibly gripping and eventful series of happenings, that cannot be paired with any other production in terms of quality for almost years back in the near past. The movie supplies the audience with a brief 3 hours runtime, but I haven't been being befriended by the feeling of „when will it be over." The film pushes twists and new facts right after each other into the face of the audience, but I cannot declare any of them as a cliché.
This is the only point I could pick a quarrel. I have catastrophically scant astronomical knowledge, so there were some things in the movie, that I cannot take in completely even now after a long period of thinking hard. Maybe I'm a little weak-minded or my modest proficiency in the subject could be a potential reason for that, I think this movie is far more enjoyable for hardcore sci-fi fans than the remaining portion of the audience. But even with the possession of a little ignorance I can this production a great movie! It's speedy, able to engage the attention of the audience, and it has the amazing ability of generating massive curiosity among the people, so the viewer cannot sit calm till the end while waiting for the outcome (which is brilliant. br> I don't care if many other people will consider me a little g*y, But I haven't seen a movie for years, which could have been able to pull out so many emotions from the people watching it. Love, understanding, devotion, compassion, sense of duty, nostalgia, and the significance of choices between alternative decisions by the characters could set a new milestone for the role-playing games. As supporting my statement I saw many people among the audience sweeping out teardrops from the corner of their eyes. And it cannot be achieved without the actors' unexceptionable performance. Sometimes the writer put the characters in extraordinary situations like keeping the „skype-like" connection between a father traveling in the outer space and his children being left on the Earth, while time is passing disproportionately. These things cannot be experienced in the real life, and they are even incomprehensible enough for the audience not to be able to realize how to react. And by this we're able judge who can be described as a real actor! And I bow down deeply with respect in front of the whole crew.
Genereally speaking, I'm not totally eased with all the female actors. Both actresses, whose characters represent the weaker gender of the main characters were so distasteful for me, that I could've punch them on the face every time they appeared on the silver screen. For a while, it totally seemed that we got two women just to overload emotions in the male characters and their only role is to restrict the main thread of the story. However, by the end of the film I've completely changed my mind about them, and they've become quite likable characters for me. In addition, the story could not have been finished without them, so their existence was extremely important in terms of the plot.
Bonus: I've never thought that there will ever be a movie, in which one of my favorite characters will not be a flesh-and-blood human, but a robot. I especially liked that they didn't hyped over the physical design of the machine, instead it's got real personality. So this piece of metal became a perfect companion for the astronauts, who occasionally had really amusing comments.
The visuals could be compared to Gravity. But in this case not the visual i the focal point of the movie, because it has been build around a fantastic story enhanced with mountains of epic dramatic scenes. In addition, they've managed to choreograph them so effectively that all the tension has come through the screen hitting the audience with vengeance.
The sound was cool, the silence and noise of the cosmic space were totally correct. And there is not too much I can add to the music. It wasn't too creative, but it was totally well-fitted into the environment and the scenes, was able to enhance the voltage or even the joyful moments.
Overall, the movie is great, one of the best I've seen this year! It's outstanding within its own category. It's a must see for sci-fi fans!
Last thought: if the Gravity won 7 Oscars last year, then this one should be nominated at least for the best director, best screenplay, best visual and sound effects (maybe best actor in a leading role- Matthew McConaughey.
Rating 9/10.

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