afdah Pulp Fiction (1994) Full Movie Online Dailymotion

2020.08.17 00:50

Release date 1994; Average ratings 9,8 / 10 stars; Genre Drama; USA; 1765622 votes; star Bruce Willis

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Pulp fiction misirlou. Pulp fiction say what again. Pulp fiction briefcase. Pulp fiction csfd. Pulp fiction gimp. Pulp fiction wolf. Pulp fiction. Pulp fiction twist. Pulp fiction wallet. This movie redefined crime movies and gave them a sense of humor. Quentin Tarantino's story focuses around hit men Vince Vega (John Travolta) and many other characters including a Drug Kingpin, Boxer, and some messed up Cops. There is not a dull moment in the movie each of the stories in the movie is great in it's own way from the dinner scene to the basement escape is amazingly written and acted out in a way that makes it stand out from anything else you may ever see in your entire life. The acting in the movie is top notch with no one holding back and giving an all star performance. John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, and the director himself Quentin Tarantino give it their all. Still to this day my friend and I contemplate what was in the breifcase. This is my top movie I saw it when I was 5 and have seen it millions of times since and has still to this day kept giving it's gift ever since.

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To be honest, I feel like calling this film "Stupid People Going Around Doing Stupid Things. I'm not joking! One thing after the other in this movie just CONFUSED me! The entire time I was like "HUH. Everything about the story lines, occurrences, the dialogue, and the pay off was just stupid! And the f-bomb is dropped in every other sentence, so much so, I felt like punching the screen in! It's said so much to the extent where it gets really annoying! I like Samuel L. Jackson, especially for his Stars Wars and MARVEL superhero work, but I don't care if he's mostly known for this! I hate him playing such over-the-top, nonsensical, controversial characters!
And I hate films that just take advantage of even white-washing the names of Christians, and have the bad guy quote Bible verses. That's dangerous! It's brainwashing & manipulation! Want my advice of a real Christian is? Rachel Scott of Columbine who was killed for her faith, Dietrich Bonhoeffer who spoke out against Hitler and Nazi Germany, or even Dr. Kent Hovind who reveals a lot of amazing scientific evidence for the fact of special Creation and Biblical accuracy.) All much better and meaningful then this overrated pile of worthless celluloid NOTHING!
Though to be fair, I think Quentin does have an decent taste in soundtrack variety. I admit, I've got those songs on my iPod as a result of watching this flick. And I do think the scene of Christopher Walken's "Watch" talk does for some reason relax me, simply because it's simply WALKEN - his delivery & his way of talking is somewhat kind of relaxing and amusing all at once. He's been interesting ever since I saw him in the comedy "Mousehunt. Though the scene STILL is stupid when the captain (or general, whatever) curses at a young boy about the "A" and how even a young boy would want such a filthy watch after being inside many men's anuses for a long time.
I mean, Tarantino's just some director I don't like or care about - he claims he's against drugs and violence. THEN DON'T MAKE FILMS ABOUT THEM! You may be just condoning or giving ideas about drugs and violence! You're definitely part of the "Hollyweird" group aren't you?
I'm all-round just THANK everything that is holy, sacred, and beneficial that I didn't see this film when I was younger! 1994 definitely was the big year for many good movies, but Pulp Fiction is certainly NOT one of them! It shouldn't have even been nominated for ANYTHING, not even Best Picture! IMO, The Lion King" should've been nominated in it's place instead! A film that's all the more likable, fun, entertaining, relatable, family-friendly, and beautifully put together, it's ART! But guess not, since Hollyweird has got such a FETISH for pure violence, murder, sexual immorality, and biased anti-Christian propaganda.
Pulp Fiction is just PAINFUL to sit through; Tarantino's a HACK! And I've never liked or will ever like any of his films.

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