Ameba Ownd




2020.08.18 11:21

 Here, finally, is another prayer by this spirit guide, whose words have taught and comforted people all over the world:

 I PRAY to the Great White Spirit that we may be indeed worthy of being His ministers, all of us who strive in our separate walks of life to be His instruments, to transmit His power, His love, His wisdom. May we fill our beings with His radiance, may we allow the Great Spirit that is within us all to rise and express all its divinity, so that we may all be known for what we are—children of the infinite Spirit, linked with Him throughout all the ages by the inseparable bond of love.

 We cannot be removed from His presence and we cannot be where He is not. All that we do, all that we say, all that we think is known and revealed. And so we pray to Thee, oh Great Spirit, that we may find strength in the hours of weak-ness, light in the moments of darkness, love when anger faces us, peace when our hearts are troubled.

 May we learn to withdraw from all the noise and the clangour of a busy, rushing world and find within ourselves that refuge that Thou hast given each one of us, the haven of peace where Thy spirit broods over all. May we learn to call upon that latent power to give us all strength in moments of difficulty, when we require guidance in our perplexities and our problems. May we seek to increase the link between Thee and us. May we strive in every action to reflect Thee, to live Thee, so that we may be known as Thy ambassadors who strive to reveal Thy power to all.

 And may we, who are charged to reveal some of Thy greater laws, and who desire to bring into the world of matter the power of the spiritーwhich has ceased to express itself in many quarters—may we be enabled to fulfil that mission which Thou hast called upon us to perform, so that we may exhibit Thee as Thou art and bring Thee nearer to Thy children and Thy children closer to Thee. This is the prayer of Thy Indian servant, who seeks always to serve, and who knows that in Thy sight all life should be service.

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 OH, Great White Spirit, Thou hast blessed us with the manifestation of Thy power and permitted us to draw close to each other and to seek within one another's souls the response that enables the highest within us to find expression.

 So many strive to find Thee by devious paths, through countless channels. We who know Thy will and Thy law strive to reveal these things to eager children, yearning to learn. Do Thou bless them in their efforts, so that they may feel Thy infinite arms around them, and they may know the shelter of Thy cloak and Thy protection is always with them. May the Great Spirit bless you all.