movies123 Watch Midsommar [2019] Online Free Dailymotion
Review Traumatised and still struggling to come to terms with an appalling family tragedy, the American graduate student, Dani, turns to her self-centred and distant boyfriend, Christian, against the backdrop of an inescapable break-up. In high hopes of repairing their disintegrating relationship, Dani tags along with two of Christian's fellow students and their cryptic Swedish friend, Pelle, to attend a once-every-ninety-years summer solstice festival at an isolated pagan commune in rural Sweden. Now, for the first time in a long while, Dani feels happy; however--in this friendly and verdant haven of peace, harmony, and constant sunshine--the welcoming community's peculiar traditions start to blemish the folkloric utopia, allowing the uncomfortable feeling of uneasiness to creep up on Dani and her friends. In the eyes of the uninitiated newcomers, the naturalistic rituals seem brutal. Could a numbing truth be hiding in plain sight? /
147177 Votes /
2019 /
Ari Aster /
Average rating 7,8 of 10
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Movie's an instant classic. It: Chapter 2 is going to have some fierce competition this year. You left out the part of the Random screaming female that everybody heard but ignored. GIVE THE GODDAMN OSCAR TO FLORENCE PUGH. The music was perfect, it somehow made me start breathing slower without realizing. Room felt heavy with it almost like a real trip. No thanks. If I wanted a flashback I'd just crack my neck. “Dont these people have families, besides Dani” when I tell you I HOLLERED AT THIS COMMENT. As a Swede, it's so funny to see that they turned a happy Swedish tradition into some cult shit lol.
When they first get to the village & the others are running around playing a game they ask what they are doing & Pelle answers that they are playing skin the fool. Later when Mark is killed it's revealed that he was skinned. At the end his skin is stuffed like a doll & dressed up in a jester costume so he looks like a fool. He was the character added for comedic effect in the film, like a jester. The crying scene when Dani finds out Christine is cheating on her was one of my favorite parts of the film. The crying reminded me of a trick one might do with a baby. It's where you mimic their cry & they grow confused & sometimes stop crying. Also the villagers do it a lot. When the man vreaks his legs with the jump & he screams in agony they all start screaming with him. In the end when the fire is happening they start crying & screaming when the people in there start. It's like a form of unity for them. I know it's supposed to be weird & unsettling but it kind of calmed me. In my culture elders used to do a similar thing during funerals. When someone is grieving & starts crying a lot of them immediately go to them & start crying hard too. Soon a group of women are crying hard in front of a body. It shows unity & compassion. We don't do it much anymore but once in a while I still see the older women doing it. The younger generation not so much. I never did it but when my mother died I was surrounded by crying elders & it was comforting for me at least.
It would be interesting if he would have reviewed Save Me which is a Korean Drama that emphasizes how impactful a cult can change one's life for the worst. I always get depressed with just an episode. I struggle to understand exactly what the first 20 minutes has to do with the rest of the movie except for the themes of grief. The first 20 minutes set up the fact that Dani is completely alone in the world. Her family is gone, her boyfriend is distant and she really has nobody else to rely on. The cult is the family that she longed for and for the first time, she finally belongs. The entire rest of the movie serves as a solution to the problem the first 20 minutes set up. The first 20 minutes is absolutely integral to the finale of this film. Not sure how you thought it was random and never addressed as it's the whole point of the movie.
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