英会話備忘録:英会話フィーリングリッシュ・ 即レス英会話・基礎英語

即レス英会話48:Take good care of yourself.

2020.08.19 14:00

おもてなし 即レス英会話 8月度

Take good care of yourself.:お大事に

📝 冒頭の会話より

A:Thank’s again. You were a great help.

B:Take good care of yourself

C:Thank you


Sanae:Rest in an air-conditioned room and drink plenty of water.


Annika:I will, thank you. Heatstroke is scary. I should take it easy on hot days.


Sanae:Yes, you should.


Annika:Thank’s again, Sanae. You were a great help.


Sanae:You’re welcome. Go on, get in. じゃあお願いします。Take good careful of yourself. Good bye.


Annika:Thank you !


🔻🔻 即レス英会話 キーフレーズ解説 🔻🔻

Take good care of yourself:お大事に

Take care of ~で「~の世話をする/面倒を見る」という意味ですが、後ろに yourself 「自分自身」を付けて Take care of yourself と言えば「自分自身の世話をしてね = お体をお大事に 」という相手の体調を気遣ったニュアンスになります。限定用法の形容詞 good「十分な・たっぷりの」を添えて、Take good care of yourself と感情をこめて言えば、相手のことを心から気遣っている印象を与えます。別れ際の挨拶としても使われます。

take care《英会話フィーリングリッシュL71》

✅ 即レス英会話 色々な言い回し

Take good care of your car:車を大事にしてね

Take good care of the things about you:自分の身の回りのものを大事にしてください。

Take good care of your health:健康には十分気をつけてください。

✅ 即レス英会話 フレーズを使ってみよう

A:Sorry I can't play today. You see I fell down badly last week.

B:Take good care of yourself.

A:Oh thanks. I'll play once my arm is fixed but for today are terribie. I'll be your head cheerleader. GO!

A:Oh! hi! What a coincidence. Ow!

B:Are you OK?

A:I'm on my way to the dentist... Ouch! I have to go.

B:Take good care of yourself.

A:Phew, moving is hard work

B:Alisa this is so heavy. The last one. Whoa! My back...my back. I think I hurt my back.

C:You should go home and rest.

B:I think I will. Sorry I can't help finish up.

C:Take good care of yourself.

A:I hope his okay...

✅ ハリーとアリサの会話

Alisa:Take good care of my grandmother

Harry:Okay, I'll try

Alisa:She loves you

Harry:OK excellent. I'll do my best ! you know.

Harry:Alisa, take good care of your new earrings.

Alisa:I'll do my best to take care of them.

Harry:Don't lose them.

🔊 発音ジム 🎵

Take good care of yourself ― 「 Take good care」と「yourself」は強く高く長くはっきりと。それ以外は弱く低く短くあいまいに。

🔷🔹 即レス英会話 フレーズ備忘録 🔹🔷

plenty of ~:十分な~/必要な分より多い/たっぷり

・plenty of money:十分なお金

・That's plenty of space:十分なスペースです

・There’s plenty of time:時間は十分にある

・My bedroom gets plenty of morning sun:私の寝室は朝日がたっぷり入る

I fell down:転ぶ

