Ameba Ownd


Japanese pension(日本の年金)2

2020.08.31 06:00

▮ "One-time payment" that even foreigners who have been hired for one year

-There is a system where even a foreigner who has been hired for one year can get a "lump-sum withdrawal" if they are enrolled in a pension. ※[Condition of lump sum payment]
・If you submit a transference notice, you can request after the date of submission of the resident card. (Billing within 2 years from the date of disappearance of Japan's address. In addition, in case of national pension, we will also submit "Notification of National Pension Eligibility Loss" at the same time as transfer notification.)
・However, if you get this, the pension payment period up to now will not be included in the pension period in your own country. Also, if you are eligible for 10 years or more, you will not be able to claim it, but in the future you will get an old-age pension in Japan.

・There are currently 20 countries that have signed this “Social Security Agreement”. It is almost a developed country.
・Including only “period”. Since the amount paid is not included, the amount paid in the home country is not included.

※[Condition of lump sum payment]
・No Japanese nationality
・The national pension stand No. 1 insured premium payment period must be 6 months or more.
・Not being insured by the national pension.
・The applicant must not be eligible for the old-age basic pension.
.. Have never received a disability basic pension
・A total of 6 months or more for welfare pensions and co-sponsored pensions (when welfare pensions, etc.)
・You do not have the right to receive pensions such as the old-age welfare pension (at the time of welfare pension, etc.)
*[One-time payment amount formula]
Average standard remuneration x payment rate (coefficient) during the period of being insured

Reference: Japan Pension Service HP











【How to read】ā / ī / ū / ē / ō 

・脱退一時金(Dattai ichiji kin)=One-time withdrawal payment
・一時金の条件(Ichiji kin no jyōken)= Condition of lump sum payment
・転出届 (Tenshutsu todoke)=Notification of transference
・住民票の提出日(Jyūmin hyō no teishutsu bi)= Date of submission of resident card
・国民年金 (Kokumin nenkin)=National pension
・国民年金資格喪失届(Kokumin nenkin shikaku sōshitsu todoke)=Notification of national pension disqualification
・算入(San'nyū)= Inclusion
10年以上の受給資格期間(Jyū nen ijyō no jyūkyū shikaku kikan)=  Eligibility period of 10 years or mor
・老齢年金(Rourei nenkin)= Old age pension
社会保障協定 (Shakai hoshō kitei)=Social security agreement
・先進国(Senshin koku)=Developed country
・国民年金第1号被保険者保険料納付期間(Kokumin nenkin dai ichigō hihokensha hokenryō nōfu kikan)=National Pension No. 1 Insured insurance premium payment period
・老齢基礎年金(Rōrei kiso nenkin)=Old-age basic pension
・受給資格期間(Jyūkyū sikaku kikan)=Eligibility period
障害基礎年金(Shōgai kiso nenkin)=Basic disability pension
・厚生年金(Kōsei nenkin)=Employees' pension・
・共催組合年金(Kyōsai kumiai nenkin)=Co-sponsored pension
・老齢厚生年金(Rōrei kōsei nenkin)=Old-age welfare pension
受給権(Jyukyū ken)=Entitlement
・被保険者であった期間の平均標準報酬額x支給率(係数)➡(Hi hokensha de atta kikan no heikin hyōjyun hōshū gaku x shikyū ritsu)= Average standard remuneration x payment rate (coefficient) during the period of being insured