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The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design by Mikael Wiberg

- The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design
- Mikael Wiberg
- Page: 208
- Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
- ISBN: 9780262037518
- Publisher: MIT Press
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Free books read online without downloading The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design English version by Mikael Wiberg 9780262037518
Materiality matters---experience materials | ACM Interactions The theme for last year's ACM CHI 2012 conference—It's the experience— underscores an important shift in HCI research: a move away from a perspective that treats people and
Interaction gestalt and the design of aesthetic interactions Although there has been a drastic increase in the research of aesthetics ofinteraction, we still lack well-defined practical knowledge of how to design aesthetic .. Hyosun Kwon , Hwan Kim , Woohun Lee, Intangibles wearmateriality via material composition, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, v.18 n. 3, p.651-669, March
Form and materiality in interaction design: a new - ResearchGate on this analysis, we suggest a model of four different types of forms: the cognitive, embodied, expressive, and exploratory forms. Reflecting on this model, we propose form-driven interaction design research with its epistemological and methodological implications. Keywords. Form, materiality, material
From materials to materiality: connecting practice and theory in hc information studies and organizational studies. This workshop thus aims to bring together a range of perspectives on the concept of materiality to enrich our understanding of the design and analysis of interaction in HCI. Author Keywords.Materials; Materiality; Design theory; Craft;. Organizational Studies; Information studies.
Methodology for materiality: interaction design - Springer Link Increasingly, human–computer interaction (HCI) is acknowledging the material dimensions of our subject. In doing so, a wide repertoire of methods is currently being explored for conducting interaction design research through a material lens. These methods range from material studies and studies in
Mikael Wiberg | The MIT Press The Materiality of Interaction. Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design. By Mikael Wiberg. Smart watches, smart cars, the Internet of things, 3D printing: all signal a trend toward combining digital and analog materials in design.Interaction with these new hybrid forms is increasingly mediated through physicalmaterials,
Materiality and the Study of Religion: The Stuff of the Sacred - Google Books Result Tim Hutchings, Joanne McKenzie - 2016 - Religion
Intangibles wear materiality via material composition We divide the pre-existing materials of interaction design into three categories: tangible material, intangible material, and computational material. . Ben Piper , Carlo Ratti , Hiroshi Ishii, Illuminating clay: a 3-D tangible interface for landscapeanalysis, Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human
Ny bok om interaktionsdesign - Institutionen för Informatik - Umeå Ny bok om interaktionsdesign. [2017-09-05] Mikael Wiberg, professor vid institutionen för Informatik, kommer ut med en ny bok om interaktionsdesign. Bokens titel är The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of InteractionDesign (MIT Press) och kommer ut i början av 2018. Kort sammanfattning på engelska:
Delivering Design: Performance and Materiality in - search ProQuest Delivering Design: Performance and Materiality in Professional InteractionDesign byElizabeth Sarah GoodmanDoctor of Philosophy in Information Management and Systems University of California, Studies of design decision- making 44 Laboratory studies 47 Grounded theory 49 Methods and materials 53 Conclusion 69.
exploring textiles as materials for interaction design - DiVA portal Textile interaction design sug- gests a new design space in which the fields of textile design and interaction . design presents an analysis of the implementedmaterials in relation to four interaction design design and textile design and focus on the materiality of interaction design as well as temporal
Environments for creative interaction design processes Michael Mose Biskjaer , Peter Dalsgaard , Kim Halskov, Creativity methods ininteraction design, Proceedings of the 1st DESIRE Network Conference on .. notions of materiality from Interaction Design research and the scientific field of textual studies to discuss what it means to work with digital materials,
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