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Tomatometer - 6,9 of 10 Stars. countries - USA. brief - Cher, a high school student in Beverly Hills, must survive the ups and downs of adolescent life. Her external demeanor at first seems superficial, but rather it hides her wit, charm, and intelligence which help her to deal with relationships, friends, family, school, and the all-important teenage social life. 160876 Votes. Genre - Comedy. writer - Amy Heckerling
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She is popular but only has 2 friends. UGH OMG THIS IS BEAUTIFUL ALICIA IS GORGOEUS AND WHEN JOSH LIFTS HIS EYEBROWS HOLY I DIEDD. And none for Gretchen Wieners, bye. To koritsi tou beverly hills movie.
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I think Clueless has gotten a lot of undeserved heat. Despite the fact it was based in a high school and follows the daily life of a rich Southern California blonde, it's surprisingly good. And probably the last good "teen movie. When I say it's funny, I mean it. It's filled with pop cultural references and no pathetic gross-out scenes. That's the problem with most teen comedies today. They can't be plot based and whenever there is something lacking in the plot, have a scene where a guy glues his hand to his privates. What's sad is that people find that humorous.
Alicia Silverstone is very good in this. Maybe a little too convincing. Too bad this was her last successful movie. The rest of the cast hands in pretty good performances, but this wasn't a performance driven movie. It's amazing Brittany Murphay, who has a smaller part, has a strong career in Hollywood and Silverstone is nowhere.
After its release it was quoted and copied by every teen girl in America. Pretty much. Now, it's jokes are still humorous. Mainly because they talk about celebrities and movies (Cher calling Spartacus, Sporticus, lol) and other things we are familiar with in our every day life. Like I said, this was the last good teen movie, I'm sure one day it may even be considered The Breakfast Club of the 90's. Don't think so? Whatever!
This was recommended to me bc I listened to the soundtrack. again. for the third time this week. She: I have lot of clothes, I don't know what to do? Me: well my 2 pants are in laundry, I don't have nothing to wear. To koritsi tou Beverly hillsus. To koritsi tou beverly hills restaurant. To koritsi tou beverly hills mi. To koritsi tou beverly hills online. Why are they so good at acting. 🥺🤧. To koritsi tou beverly hills tx. Watching someone take a really disorganized space and making it look all pretty and organized is very satisfying to me. To koritsi tou beverly hills md.