yts Ad Astra (2019) Full Movie Watch Online Free
Astronaut Roy McBride (Brad Pitt) travels to the outer edges of the solar system to find his missing father and unravel a mystery that threatens the survival of our planet. His journey will uncover secrets that challenge the nature of human existence and our place in the cosmos
Year 2019
Rating 161094 Votes
Stars Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland
Runtime 2h 3 M
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Esse filme tem tudo pra desbancar o favoritismo de INTERESTELAR.
Perfect timing of releasment especially after the hype with Area 51. Ahhaha.
Então temos umas espécie de mistura de Gravidade com Apocalypse Now. Interessante. Tem saído umas ficções-cientificas que tem bom desenvolvimento psicológico (Aniquilação, High Life) e esse parece ser mais um. Já na lista.
The Wu Assassins is a show on Netflixs at the moment.
The cinematography looks AMAZING.
1:21 I'm so glad they used the most insane bike possible.
Oh thank god, I saw “the saga comes to an end” in Star Wars and I could not have been happier, the butchering finally ends here people.
Very well down Mr Richter.
01:36:47 Briefing.
This film is not worth seeing. It's long, it contains parts that could easily be left on the cutting room floor and featured this constant monologue from Pitt about personal relationships that became vacuous and dull.
There seemed to be this theme around psychological stability and a future where people's mental state is monitored ridiculously. If all this was supposed to add up to some deep insight, it never delivered to any degree and instead seemed to rehash an old concept of searching of intelligent life out in space compels a reflection on our own relationships and connections with others. Overall, this aspect of the film was constipated overall.
The ending of the film was a total let down and completely unsatisfying. To a large degree, the film was more boring than anything else and it never achieved high notes. Avoid this one, deserves a short run at the cinemas.
After watching this trailer, I have absolutely no idea what this movie is about 😎
Does anyone else think this movie unintentionally pays homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey, especially considering the directors intent of reusing the story of Apocalypse Now.
Top gun 2 🛩 👏🏻👏🏻 Terminater : James Cameron 👏🏻Omg! Finally 😎.
A cinematic masterpiece following its own path. Do not expect a movie with deep roots in science fiction but rather a personal journey of emotional growth of the characters.
Much of the film is made from the protagonist's point of view as you listen in on his thoughts, fears and aspirations. Leading to a very personal way of storytelling the outer space plot is interesting but is not the main element of the movie.
I NEED MUSIC FROM 0:33:50 to 0:34:20 from the movie. This is what really happened to Tommy Lee Jones in (Space Cowboys. Oprah Winfrey: You got to stop jumping on my couch Tom, you going to become unpopular. Tom Cruise: Maybe so, but not today. Disney be running out of Ideas soon they gonna make a live-action movie about me and the old man. Is not necessary to be too much ignorant to know that the movements in the moon (6 times lighter gravity) are similar to the movements on earth. There are not FLOATING dust in the moon, there is not atmosphere there. When I saw that I've stop the movie.
- Dune