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Download books from isbn Wine Marketing and Sales,Third Edition in English

2020.08.29 03:14

Wine Marketing and Sales,Third Edition by Janeen Olsen, Liz Thach PhD, Paul Wagner

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Download books from isbn Wine Marketing and Sales,Third Edition in English

The bestselling wine marketing book in the English language is fully revised and updated to meet the newest challenges and opportunities of modern global wine markets. New topics include social media marketing, sales and marketing metrics, complete regulatory compliance, website strategies and graphic design, brand strategies, demographic changes, and wine tourism. Wine Marketing and Sales covers every conceivable aspect of marketing and selling wine, from basic theory and principles, to the practical application of sales and marketing strategies in the real-world, brand-saturated marketplace. Written by three of the industry’s most respected wine business professionals and educators, this book puts new and powerful tools into the hands of veteran brand managers, and the vast bank of wine marketing knowledge within reach of the untrained winery owner desperate for a foothold.

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