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Free ebook download online White Light Oracle: Enter the Luminous Heart of the Sacred

2020.09.01 02:02

White Light Oracle: Enter the Luminous Heart of the Sacred. Alana Fairchild, A. Andrew Gonzalez

White Light Oracle: Enter the Luminous Heart of the Sacred

ISBN: 9780738765211 | 240 pages | 6 Mb
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Download White Light Oracle: Enter the Luminous Heart of the Sacred

Free ebook download online White Light Oracle: Enter the Luminous Heart of the Sacred

White light holds all the frequencies needed for healing ourselves, each other, our planet, and all her precious creatures. It is divine medicine for the soul, empowering the heart, clarifying the mind, and awakening higher consciousness. This glorious oracle deck and guidebook set features luminous imagery from visionary artist A. Andrew Gonzalez and enlightening messages with signature healing processes from bestselling author Alana Fairchild to help you integrate the loving soul medicine of white light. Take your journey with complete trust, enjoying the divine beauty of your path, and knowing the light is always with you, revealing the way. Boxed kit (5 x 6 3/4) includes 44-card deck and 240-page guidebook.

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