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⚝hotstar⚝ Watch The Very Excellent Mr. Dundee (2020) Movie Online Free

2020.09.04 13:57

Writed by=Dean Murphy
description=Paul Hogan is reluctantly thrust back into the spotlight as he desperately attempts to restore his sullied reputation on the eve of being knighted
duration=88 minutes

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Paul Hogan is an Aussie icon and I have loved him since The Paul Hogan Show! This, however is absolute rubbish and I feel embarrassed for Paul. I can't understand why he, and the other well known Aussie actors would lower their standards by participating in this poorly thought out train wreck. I turned it off half way through not wanting to taint my opinion of such an Aussie legend. Retire gracefully Paul, you don't need to do crap like this! Disappointed. A excellent supporting cast help bring together good old fashioned family this may be comedy from a by-gone era it perfectly captures the changing values of our present day society in a light-hearted yet honest journey of hollywood fame and fortune. Paul Hogans character may have mellowed, but his humour and form of comedic values still brings laughs, tears and empathy together. Just wish it had also been available in the Cinemas for release.

A tribute to Hogans original work! Little course and a bit edge, but never apologizing for what it is, which is a dose of humour that whether we like to admit it or not, makes us laugh.
It does an exceptional job at holding a mirror to the hypocrisy that is modern day television and stardom, especially in Hollywood and it provides a ironically save platform for big names to put their signature on a clear and deserved critique of a culture that would easily castrate them doing so in any other venue.
Smart writing that will rattle a few cages that deserve to be rattled.


Lots of humor at Paul's expense, cool cameos and many of the jokes are well-written and effective. I liked it. John Cleese is especially hilarious.
