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2020.06.07 03:42

4.4/ 5stars

Ted Tally

Casts=Anthony Hopkins


1162481 Vote


Jonathan Demme Official Here




Hands down one of my top five favorite movies of all time. #2, immediatley following Reservoir Dogs. 5:03. I love how you say “all” with your accent.

You can literally sense her fear when she finds out she found the guy

Nurse Annie Wilkes giving the Oscar to Dr. Hannibal Lecter. That's just awsome. Truly one of the best films ever produced, Silence of the Lambs will keep you on the edge of your seat and make you beg for more. A unique blend of psychological thriller, mystery, and horror flick, it just doesn't get much better then this movie.
Director Jonathan Demme truly captures the effect of fear in this movie. The story being based off of the realistic darker sides of the human psyche, and that is the most terrifying ones.
Anthony Hopkins truly delivers to us one of the greatest fictional villains in film history, and then mixed in with Jodie Foster's role as one of the most unique heroes ever in film history.
The naive, inexperienced FBI trainee Clarice Starling (Foster) is sent by her superior to interview the brilliant incarcerated cannibal, Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Hopkins) in order to find another serial killer who is killing women and skinning them. Demme brilliantly puts you in the "cheap shoes" of Starling as she goes toe to toe with the terrifying Lecter, purely a monster all himself.
A definite recommendation for anyone who has not seen this movie.

Its all about power✔️. I really appreciate this, thank you man <3. My all time favorite actor <3 Fell in love with him on Meet Joe Black. 3 I'd be so honored to meet him. Both actors just excelled in their acting. so subtle yet powerful, their expression, body language and dialogue delivery was impeccable 👍🏼.

Imdb tt0102926 magnet links full hd the silence of the lambs band

I love R. Kelly, but around my daughters, I'm not comfortable. Imdb tt0102926 magnet links full hd the silence of the lambs full. Adrian Monk would've figured out he's Captain Stottlemayer all along. If I knew I was goin' to see a monster like him, I wouldn't have worn it either! I really like that line. I noticed that at the very end of Silence of the Lambs, Clarices face takes up the whole screen when she is becoming an agent. Imdb tt0102926 magnet links full hd the silence of the lambs soundtrack. Best movie ever made by humans. ALFRED Hitchcock ONE of the greatest mind OF Hollywood THE guy that CREATED horror.

IMDB TT0102926 MAGNET LINKS FULL HD THE SILENCE OF THE lambert. That texan accent tho That texan accent. 2:34 she fell THAT deathly chill down her spine and this was her split-second response. I love the fact that he's just standing in the middle of his cell like answering the door to his new patient,unlike your stereotypical psychopath,he is calm and polite all the way to the end. Around 16 minutes of acting in whole movie and won oscar. What a absolute legend. Scariest part, no hello Clarice. Imdb tt0102926 magnet links full hd the silence of the lambs game.

Someone that actually deserves to be knighted. Something that the video doesn't mention is that while yes, when you first see hannibal lecter standing there in his cell, he's not showing any signs of insanity, to me he is terrifying anyway because he seems so. artificial. Yes he's not showing any signs of insanity but he's not normal because a normal person would just looking bored, lying on the bed, maybe reading. However, he's just standing in the middle of his cell, unmoving, with a perfect posture. Its almost like he's TRYING to appear normal but just comes off creepy because its not actually normal in the slightest. However, he's a psychologist so it has to be intentional. The best way I can describe it is that it is like he knew she was coming and decided to do the creepiest thing he could think of, which was in fact, nothing, like an absence of any sort of traits so she couldn't read him. And that is terrifying because you have NO idea what to expect.

Please get out of my feed. IMDB TT0102926 MAGNET LINKS FULL HD THE SILENCE OF THE lamborghini. Imdb tt0102926 magnet links full hd the silence of the lambs movie. I always thought Anthony Hopkins was English, but he was actually born in Wales.

Hes just standing there. barbecue sauce on his titties

The name is Bond, Dr. Hannibal Bond! 😳. IMDB TT0102926 MAGNET LINKS FULL HD THE SILENCE OF THE labs. Hopkins said in an interview once that he had coffee with a madman in London who he never saw blink during their lengthy conversation, so he made sure that he didnt blink whilst playing lecter.

Imdb tt0102926 magnet links full hd the silence of the lambs story

This analysis is interesting but flawed in a couple of ways: one factual, and the other analytical. A) An important factual error: Clarice Starling did not meet Hannibal Lecter to ask for his help on solving a case. She was told to try to get Lecter to complete a psychological questionaire, while unwittingly being used as bait to trick Lecter into helping on an important and difficult case. Jack Crawford even explicitly tells Starling (later) that if he had informed her beforehand that this was the real task, Lecter would've quickly detected this and refused to help. This is important because it means Starling was not sent to Lecter to knowingly deceive or trick him, but to simply give him a questionaire and otherwise be her natural self: an intelligent, competent, kind, respectful, honest, frank, petite, physically beautiful, down-to-earth, courageous, vulnerable, and yet tough young woman bravely entering a dangerous profession dominated by men. Crawford guessed correctly that Lecter would be fascinated by Starling. Luck, in the ugly form of Multiple Miggs, created the circumstances under which Lecter would decide that he wanted to help Starling's FBI career; Lecter then chose to help by having Starling reveal the details of her most personal, most formative life experiences in exchange for clues about Buffalo Bill's identity. B) An important analytical error: in the tense dynamic between Starling and Lecter, and in the endeavor of identifying what makes Hannibal Lecter such a frightening character, you omit his central qualities. Yes, he knows how to leverage his cooperation to give himself as much power or control of a situation as possible; and yes, he has a well-earned reputation as a brutally violent psychopath. However, any villain's ability to leverage control can vary from context to context, and every inmate in that basement dungeon is probably a violent psychopath. Hannibal Lecter's characteristics (made convincing solely by Anthony Hopkins's unbelievably subtle, thorough, nuanced, controlled acting) 1. He is usually calm, usually speaks softly, usually moves minimally or keeps himself very still, is intensely observant, is intensely perceptive, and is intensely inscrutable. 2. Unusually high cognitive skills. His knowledge is incredibly broad and deep; his understanding of human nature is profound; his deductive reasoning skills are so high as to seem supernatural; he is resourceful to the extreme, in a way that demonstrates remarkable creativity & imagination; and his intelligence is clearly at genius-level: most of the time he is mentally many, many steps ahead of anyone he comes into contact with. (This is why he was particularly impressed with Starling's ability to sell him the phony deal involving moments of freedom on an island, a deal that was seemingly flawed and thus made more authentic by the fact that Starling allowed him to learn for himself that the island is reserved for animal disease research.) 3. Unusually acute sensory & physiological abilities. This man detects and identifies the faintest levels of scent, whether from the perfume in a skin care product or the blood of someone's hidden cut on their leg; he draws detailed sketches of actual architectural landscapes and people solely from memory; he notices every detail of a person's physical appearance, dress, smell, speech patterns, and accents such that he can rapidly create an accurate biography of the person within minutes of meeting them; he notices the slightest changes in the details of his environment such that he will capitalize on any slightest mistake made by his handlers; and he can control his own heart rate and other vital signs such that medical staff will be convinced that he is near death, or having a grand mal seizure, etc. 4. Unusual ability to be harmless, charming, civilized, and all the exact opposites of these traits, depending solely on his needs. By outward appearances Lecter is of average size, average build, slightly older than middle-aged, extremely educated, extremely cultured, extremely courteous, extremely patient, an extremely attentive listener, and is quietly unassuming. He doesn't seem to be a practitioner of any martial art, nor does he seem remotely interested in weaponry or hand-to-hand combat. He would seem to be a delightful dinner guest, as well as an ideal target for a mugger who doesn't want a struggle. However, his reflexes are quick, his timing is superb, his movements are efficient, he is capable of the most extreme levels of sadism & violence imaginable, and he can reveal all of this within a split second. If you like Napoleon Dynamite, then you can also throw in computer hacking skills, bo staff skills, numb-chuck skills, all the skills that get girls. Therefore it isn't his control or his violent pure psychopathy that make Lecter so frightening; it is that he is an unpredictable, inhumanly capable, harmless-looking, one-man ambush whose passions & interests include murdering and eating people. Interacting with him is the equivalent of being scanned by multiple microscopes, while being analyzed by multiple supercomputers, while being sniffed by a curious & very hungry tiger. He's been called an evil Sherlock Holmes, a description that was also applied to Holmes's arch-nemesis James Moriarty. I say no, Hannibal Lecter would literally eat Holmes and Moriarty for breakfast. This is why his 15 minutes of screen time in The Silence of the Lambs were sufficient to make him the widely-considered most frightening villain in all of film.

“Hello Clarice... ”.

Lesson number one for you serial killers don't giggle when a detective is asking you questions.


The moment when she sees the moth. That moment...

